
Muhammad Mukhlis

Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid



Muhammad Mukhlis

Member since

June 2018

On-time repayments

2 installments  •  0%

About Me

Hey, introduce my name to my Jakarta mukhlis native to Sundanese descent. I am from the second child of the 3 siblings, I really like to speak the ball and pencak silat, because in my opinion football determines a person"s personality, and the martial arts ITU physically increases our mentality. I am From the descent of people who are afraid of what ", my father only worked as a village hygienist, while my mother worked as a mother at home, but I was never ashamed of my father"s work, because my father"s work was very noble, I am proud have like my father ,, From me elementary school until thank God, i got a scholarship ,, Maybe the action that i experienced sagat difficult, but i believe ,, Allah will love the difficult trials, in every trial there must be wisdom ... And now I have worked in one of the leading companies in Jakarta, and thank God I have got everything, only 1 is to make my mother"s father happy. Thanks for the story I experienced, hopefully it won"t be boring to read it

My Business

My business makes fried donuts As long as I can make fried donuts, I have worked in one of the donut factories. From there I learned how to knead, fry and dope donuts for various characters and flavors. Pioneering from childhood until now thank God I"ve been have 1 gobak And even though it"s small, but has a big artist

Loan Proposal

Keluaga requirements

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Haii,perkenalkan nama saya mukhlis saya asli Jakarta kturunan sunda.
Saya Dari anak kdua Dari 3 bersaudara,
Saya sangat suka dengan speak bola Dan pencak silat,sebab menurut saya sepak bola ITU menentukan kepribadian seseorang,,Dan pencak silat ITU meningkatkan mental kita secara fisik.
Saya Dari kturunan orang yang takut punya apa",ayah saya hanya bekerja sbagai seorang kebersihan kampung,sedangkan IBU saya bekerja sebagai layaknya IBU di rumah,,
Tapi saya gg pernah malu dengan bekerjaan ayah saya,sebab pekerjaan ayah saya sangat amat mulia,saya bangga memiliki seperti ayah saya,,
Dari saya skolah SD sampai smk alhamdulilah saya mendapatkan beasiswa,,
Mungkin sepak terjang yang saya alami sagat sulit,tapi saya percaya,,Allah ta akan kasih cobaan yg yang sulit,di stiap cobaan pasti ada hikmahnya,,,
Dan skarang saya sudah bekerja di sala satu prusahaan ternama di Jakarta,,Dan alhamdulilah saya sudah dapat semuanya,hanya tinggal 1 yaitu membuat bahagia ayah IBU saya..
Trima kasih ITU kisah yang saya Alami,,smoga tidal bosan ya untuk membacanya

My Business

Bisnis saya membuat donat goreng
Asal mula saya bisa membuat donat goreng,saya pernah bekerja di salah satu pabrik donat
Dari situ saya blajar bagaimana caranya untuk mengadon,menggoreng Dan menoping donat untuk berbagai karakter Dan Varian rasa..
Merintis Dari kecil sampe skarang alhamdulilah saya sudah mempunyai 1 grobak Dan yaa walau kecil tp mempunyai artist yang besar

Loan Proposal

Keperluan keluaga





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 30, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



-, St. Kitts and Nevis

Ask Muhammad Mukhlis a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


