New colour printer for my cybercafe


Nairobi, Kenya

12% repaid




Member since

January 2015

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  13%

About Me

For the last 25years i have lived in the informal settlement of Kibera-Kenya,having been born and bred there. My childhood was one replete with challenges,especially when living within an environment characterized with poverty, poor sanitation and whole myriad of challenges that are abundant in slum dwellings.
Never did i lose hope even after staying home for 1 year after finishing my primary schooling before i could join O level,thanks to a well wisher i cleared my O level education. Despite the immense challenges, I have learnt to be hardworking,diligent,focused and enthusiastic in pursuing my goals in life,knowing that i can rise above the circumstances of my birth and instill hope in the youth around me, that yes they too can make it. Its these that have enabled me to overcome the challenges.
After my O level, i worked as an errand boy for a period of 2 years and from it saved a substantial amount that helped me set up my internet cafe business and also i did get support from my family and friends.
People dwelling in this informal settlement are of the view that they must get help externally for them to make ends meet,a perception that is wrong and therefore making them become lazy. That is the biggest challenge around here and the most peculiar culture.
I apparently do not have a family but i wouldn't wish my children to live in such an environment.
When free, i attend a choral choir group(The Kenyan Boys Choir) to sing. I enjoy to play instruments, especially drum. Besides that, i enjoy reading and writing, i take so much pleasure in that. Occasionally, i do motivational talks to students and pupils in the schools around Kibera.

My Business

My business is an Cyber Cafe and it provides internet browsing services,typing of documents and printing of the same,lamination of documents,scanning services,binding of various volumes of documents. I also sell envelopes in various sizes. For clients who are new to social sites, i open for and train them on how they navigate themselves on those sites. i charge a small fee for that as well.
The services that my business provide are in demand since the bulk of my clients are the youth, there are educational institutions around the center from where we operate and they provide a good market for typing and printing services. The competition is minimal since we have banked on getting new clients and retaining them by providing quality work and good customer care relationship.
I chose the business since i was so much enthusiastic about computers and more so internet based business. Furthermore , i had knowledge in computers since i sat for it as an examinable subject at O level.
On a monthly basis i have an average income of $300 from my business,$100 goes to operation costs of the business. The balance amount that is $200, i spend $150 on rent,food,electricity,communication. From the remaining $50, i save $10 for emergency purposes and spend the last $40 to cater for my sisters education,she's in O level.

Loan Proposal

The loan is going to enable me buy a new colour that does both color and non-color printing for my clients.
The printer is going for $65.
There is huge demand for color printing, ranging from not only printing, but printing and laminating the documents, printing colored documents and binding them and colored photocopy as well.
It will add value to the business and help me get more clients who have since been going to my business' competitors,thus retaining them to the business.
I expect to increase my profit margin by at least 20% and that will enable me to comfortably repay the loan as scheduled.
Thanks in advance.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 17, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months


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  • GuyCalledPete    Jun 23, 2015

    I see there's no payment at all since your last message, what's the problem please?

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  • GuyCalledPete    Mar 8, 2015

    No problem, thanks for letting me know!

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  • Amos    Mar 8, 2015

    Dear Lender, i wouldn't be able to make my repayment today due to the fact that some payment to the business bounced. I will be making the payment in the middle of the coming week.
    Kindly bear with me.
    Thanks for your support.

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