New stationery


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

June 2016

On-time repayments

45 installments  •  58%

About Me

After college I worked for various companies in Nairobi which you used to pay very little. The income could only sustain your for not more than a month. so everyday u had to report to work punctually and without fail in order to guarantee yourself some income at the end of the month otherwise, absenteeism could cost you your job and your livelihood.

My Business

In 2013, after working in a number of companies for a couple of years I decided it was time to make a change. I was dreaming of a better life, a life of freedom. Freedom to control my own destiny and it was time to make a move, I had to make one of the greatest choices of my life. I resigned from my salaried job in order to start a small business. Earlier in my life I had aspiration to create my own business and that entrepreneurial spirit was in me since the time I was in high school. I use to read a lot about business; the types and forms of business around. The only challenge that was remaining was me to actualize those desires. I have been thinking of what type of business to start for quite some time now and how applicable and marketable it can be.
Back in 2013 I did managed to save a small amount of money which I used it to buy a computer and a small deskjet three in one printer. Earlier in the year I was thinking why shouldn't I not start a small printing and photo copy service, so every day I used to survey my area of residence for a suitable place to locate that kind of business. After some weeks of looking I eventually sported a strategic place and immediately I rented a room at one of the building . The location was within the vicinity of a major Aviation courses training college and it was a prime target as student from the college would need my services the most and without hesitation I setup the place and I was up and running within a month. During the earlier days the business was not so good but gradually it started picking up and customers started flocking in and soon demand for my services was the days went by the load of work was becoming over whelming to my small printer and immediately I saw a need for a new and a high performance printer. Some customers where requesting for other services such as Internet and email services and that was a request I honored right away. That decision was a major turnaround for my business and today it’s one of the major services that I offer.

Loan Proposal

i will use these amount to restock new stationery for the coming new year 2017. This will keep business running smoothly.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 2, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Ocoee, United States

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