Online business


Lelaitich Village, Kenya


$11 to go

27% funded of $15 goal


days left




Member since

June 2016

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  54%

About Me

I am a God fearing male adult born in the year 1988 and leaving a childish life after being an adult.i sat for only KCPE in the year 2002 and no other studies i attented.That time i was reluctan because everything was going on well with me. it was after many year where i saw i have to do something in order to get money and safe my future life and i started small farming where i was planting potatoes because the area was good in potatoes. i continued with the same practice until i got money to buy cows and keeping at home in order to keep me busy all times.I was enjoy the practice.

My Business

after i started farming, money was a challenge because they was not enough for me and other expenses. when livestock which is cows started becoming my business, i started seeing money flowing into my plans, also i started planning for getting more money in order to increase my stock. this kind of business is good because you bought a cow of a smaller price and after you keep it well, you will sell at a better price almost a profit of 10,000 KES. this is why i choose this business kind. the demand of this business is high because of consumers who are the hotels in order to slaughter and sell meat. the profit is my advantage because i use them to increase number of livestock and also use them to bought their food like salts medicine when in demand and also paying the person who is taking care of them.

Loan Proposal

This loan will make a difference in my business. I will look for other money so that i buy a smartphone to allow me transact business anywhere I am.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Other loans

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