Open a shop


Nakuru, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

November 2017

On-time repayments

65 installments  •  65%

About Me

my name is Dennis from Nakuru Kenya,I am a graduate with a diploma in business management and I also have a certificate in electrical engineering,
I am passionate about business,I started my first business while in campus and never looked back since,
I have been successfull in all the businesses I have invested in.
Apart from business and investments I am a Director of a non profit organization named Remnants Of Grace where we help mentor the youth and give them support ,guidance and counseling.We aim to rehabilitate the youth so they can become productive members of society.

My Business

i am an entrepreneur and have been in business since 2015,my businesses include farming,poutry keeping , electrical repair and also I have an electrical shop.
Though farming is seasonal it is very profitable I usually plant maize and beans and frience peas on ocations.
Although I get constant income from my poutry business,I rear indigenous chickens and I supply eggs to the neighborhood and shops and also sell hens when they are grown ,
I also earn income repairing electronics and doing electrical installations,I have a small electrical shop of which I plan to expand and to add more exquipments so as to capture a bigger market share,since business is improving i plan to employ a person whom will be at the reapirshop as I go to install cameras , electronic fences and also cable t.v and also as I check on my poutry.I plan to have a huge electrical and electronic shop in Nakuru where by people won't travel to the city but will get goods in Nakuru and I will offer free transportation once I acquire a motor bike

Project Proposal

I would like to open a shop in my local area,I see a lot of potential as there aren't alot of shops ,I will be able to complete with the current shops as they are not many and they lack proper stocks





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 16, 2023




Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Yogyakarta Bantul, Indonesia


Nakuru, Kenya


Nakuru, Kenya

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Dennis

$53 (1 Project)

Projects funded by Dennis's Pay It Forward recipients

$0 (0 Projects)

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