Open personal freelance account


Eldoret, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2016

On-time repayments

98 installments  •  8%

About Me

I started schooling at Central primary school in Eldoret town and later joined Usain Gishu secondary school and now studying a degree course in university of Eldoret. It was hard to study in a day school while i was in secondary but i was able to utilize my time and work extra hard to pass my final exam. I started my online freelancing after i was introduced by my classmate since i wanted to raise my upkeep money. I live in a Kalenjin land where there are very many long distance runners who are known worldwide. I would wish my children to join University and study engineering courses. My hobby is playing golf.

My Business

I am a freelancer offering online freelancing services and also to clients whom i can meet with. Since some students might no posses necessary skills that i have and needs an expertise to do for them. I chose this freelancing work since i had the required skills and availability of resources like Internet and books. I spend an average of $32 eacha month and get a total income of $100 each month. I use my profits to purchase my school academic materials and some as an upkeep money.

Loan Proposal

If funded, i will use the loan to open personal freelancing account. This will assist me to manage the workload that i need considering my academic work and the time. I will also have the freedom to choose the kind of work that i can tackle. If i open my personal account, i expect my profits to rise by $20 each month.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 25, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 weeks

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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