Clothing looks pretty krn who wear it is very harmonious


Depok, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

59 installments  •  71%

About Me

My childhood sgt happy I was born dr father and mother bloody batak mrk sgt love me krn my child premature born. When faced with difficulties I never despair I am still struggling to find the root of the problems that occurred in my business, because I believe every problem of God must sdh provide jg way out. In the case of making my decision is hrs firm and consistent with my decision is krn related to commitment with my employees. Batak culture sgt I uphold I am proud to be batak tribe krn tribe batak has a kinship yg sgt tight and salng help help between them and customs sgt thick that"s why I am proud to be batak tribe. My children"s dreams are simple as he wants to be a good and useful child for his life. My hobby is I sgt like to collect my small stamps sdh collect stamps from various countries krn gbr2 ny unique mkny I like it. Hopefully my story can be an inspiration for the zidisha team and want to give me a loan back. Thank you in advance.

My Business

Now my business is onlineshop in fb sdh runs almost 2 years this sdh byk customers who know me smga zidisha can help my current business, amin want to further develop this onlineshop business more advanced again krn many benefits gotten dr fromlineshop other than the mother or teenagers do not bother looking for brg who in want dani mrk can get goods sought my business smga bs useful for smua mksih

Loan Proposal

As a 2nd loan fund I will use this fund as an additional capital of the previous capital of spy my onlineshop business can grow even more. Now we have a lot of business onlineshop we see each other compete so we have to have better innovation ahead of it so that my onlineshop can menggungguli onlineshop yg ada smga only this 2nd pnjaman funds can give the best for my business and thank you sdh give 2nd chance to me. Thx

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About Me

Riwayat masa kecil saya seperti anak anak pada umumnya penuh dengan canda tawa dan happy,saya melewati jenjang pendidikan dari SD,SMP,SMA juga perguruan tinggi aku mengambil jurusan manajemen ekonomi dan lulus dalam waktu 4,5 tahun aku sempat bekerja di money changer juga di perusahaan swasta lalu terakhir di sebuah hotel bintang 5 tapi karena saya ingin mandiri dan punya usaha sendiri saya membuka usaha telor asin juga ayam kampung dan telor bebek itu saya tekuni selama 6 tahun yang pada akhirnya saya ditipu dan bangkrut lalu saya bangkit kembali untukmenjadi pedagang pakaian mempunyai toko sendiri dan onlineshop disinilah awal lagi dari kebangkitan kehidupan usaha saya.

My Business

Saya menjadi pedagang onlineshop sudah saya tekuni hampir 3 tahun. Kelebihan onlineshop pembeli tidak perlu bertemu dengan pembeli.
Dan keuntungan bisnis online shopping ini menghemat kos pengeluaran dan menghemat waktu customer untuk belanja karena tidak perlu keluar rumah cukup pesan lewat sosial media.
Selain online saya juga mempunyai toko offline dan pisik yaitu saya buka toko di depan rumah saya . Dari keuntungan bisnis saya saya gunakan untuk pembiayaan hidup keluarga saya dari anak sekolah biaya rumah tangga dan membatu suami saya mendapatkan penghasilan saya sangat berharap para pemberi pinjaman mengulurkan tangannya untuk penambahan modal penjualan usaha saya. Salam hangat salam sejahtera untuk semua salam dari Indonesia..

Loan Proposal

Sebagai dana pnjaman ke 2 saya akan pergunakan dana ini sbg modal tambahan dr modal yg terdahulu spy usaha onlineshop saya bisa semakin berkembang lagi.Krn sekarang sdh banyak usaha onlineshop kita lihat saling bersaing jadi kita harus mempunyai inovasi lebih baik lagi ke depan nya supaya onlineshop saya bisa menggungguli onlineshop yg ada selama ini smga saja dana pnjaman ke 2 ini bisa memberikan yg terbaik untuk usaha saya dan terima kasih sdh memberikan kesempatan ke 2 kepada saya.thx





  • David    Jun 10, 2020

    I'm not sure if Zidisha is still receiving payments from Indonesia. Some payments were made, but nothing has been received in two years. I hope you are able to continue in your business without our support.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 20, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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