Paul poultry project


Bomet, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

August 2019

On-time repayments

24 installments  •  46%

About Me

my name is Paul Chelule, i attended Kabungut Primary and later went to High School, i was travelling by foot for about 2 miles on a bare foot every morning and back in the evening. after my O-level i start my business first as a hobby but became so interested that i made it one of my major income earner apart from tea proceeds that i earn per month. people around me likes milk, tea and eggs. my kids wish to be successful people when they are grown hobby is poultry keeping and tea farming. i started my business in a small way but grew over time. i have been patient all along

My Business

my work is to keep poultry for sale to the nearby market as the demand for eggs and meat is very high.i also grow tea for export through our local manufacturing companies to add on the income at the end of the month.i earn a gross of about kes. 40,000 per month before expenses of about kes. 25,000. i use most of my profits in paying school fees for my kids and to expand my business and for upkeep.

Loan Proposal

In three weeks ago I put my eggs in an incubator which was hatch yesterday now I want to buy chickmarsh for them cost khs3600 and vaccine cost khs300. I also have hens which are about lay which I will buy for them growers marsh cost khs300





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 24, 2019

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Robert D

Houston, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Wendy Emlyn

Devon, United Kingdom




Ask Paul a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Paul    Feb 20, 2020

    My chicks died of cold due to heavy rains

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  • Paul    Jan 4, 2020

    I will use it to buy chickmarsh that will make my Chicks grow faster and healthy. Thanks lenders for your support. I will do my best to return on time thank you

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  • Paul    Jan 3, 2020

    Hi, lenders I thank you for your support. On the last loan I managed to fed sixty one day old chicks for three which I have now sold to my neighbor. Now I have which are about hatch

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  • Paul    Dec 2, 2019

    Thanks lenders for funding my project I really thankyou It's now growing

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  • Paul    Dec 2, 2019

    Hi!, lenders I have received my loan of ksh2952 I bought chicken marsh I will use it to feed my

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  • Paul    Nov 24, 2019

    I will chickmarsh for my one day old chicks and vaccine which will help them grow faster and healthy. Thank you lenders for funding my project I will do my best to pay back on time

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  • Paul    Nov 23, 2019

    Hi lenders, your loans have support me alot. I'm now able hatch Chicks for sell. I thanks very much

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  • Paul    Nov 19, 2019

    Hi! Lenders I thank for your support on my project I'm doing well, eggs which I have put in incubator will hatch on Thursday this week. Chicks are doing well they are about lay. I thank you very much God bless you

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  • Paul    Nov 6, 2019

    Hi lenders I'm Happy my project is doing well

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  • Paul    Nov 2, 2019

    Hi! Lenders , my project is running well I have now incubate sixty eggs . Thanks for funding I will do my best to pay back on time

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  • Paul    Oct 28, 2019

    My Chicks are now doing well

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  • Paul    Oct 28, 2019

    Hi! I would like to thank you for funding. My Chicks are no

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  • Paul    Aug 23, 2019

    Hi lenders! i wish to thank you for funding my project.

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