Paying school fees & part- time classes fees for my son


Nobekaw, Ghana

8% repaid




Member since

March 2017

On-time repayments

96 installments  •  83%

About Me

I am known as Agyekum John. I was born on 16/07/ 1981. A name which when mentions, every one knows i was name after an elderly chief in our community. A farming community Nobekaw is my place of abode. I was born by peasant farmers. I used to the farm with my parents at all the time. This enabled me to acquire the skills of farming at an early stage of my life. I truncated my education at the basic level due to financil difficulties. I fact, I was eager to learn how to read and write and so I attended a non-formal education. This type of education takes place in the evening and is for those who didn't have the opportunity to go through the formal education. Now, I can read and write. I don't want my children to go through such difficulties so it has been my conviction to school my children to higher level for them to become teachers and doctors in the future.
At my community, having respect for the elderly is our unique identity . I love reading and listening to music when i am free.

My Business

Dear lenders, in my community, it was a common pratice to see a young man or woman entering into the occupation of his her parents. Mine situation, was of no exception. Because both parents were peasant farmers, I also became a farmer. As the saying goes, like the father, like the son. I started this business after my parents had bought me some farm tools and some planting materials. I plant different kinds of crops. At the end of the season, I make about 500 dollars as my returns. I will pay back my loan from the sales of my farm produce.

Loan Proposal

Education, is key to national development and also, a potential tool to eliminate poverty in our society. As already stated, even though I was not previledged to attain higher education, I want to see my children to pursue higher education. Therefore, i intend to use this loan as a support to pay my son' s school & part- time classes fees and also, provide some educational materials to aid my Son academic work. I Ghana, part - time classes fees are monies paid to teachers to teach for additional hours after the government stipulated time. I hope this will lead to improvement in my son' s academic performance. The details of what I will use the loan for are as follows
End of term' s school fees is 150 dollars
Part- time classes fees is 100 dollars
Feeding fees is 100 dollars.
My dear lenders, I will pay back my loan from the sales of produce from my farm.
Thank you.





  • Margaret    Nov 10, 2017

    John paid off his loan perfectly, I would gladly lend to him again and encourage others to do the same.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 13, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

38 months




Pirmasens, Germany


Aaron Rowe

United Kingdom



United States


Joseph Hwang

Houston, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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