Renovation of furniture for restaurant


Surakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

March 2018

On-time repayments

12 installments  •  75%

About Me

hi, my name is Lisa, I"m 38 years old. I used to work for 16 years in the field of tour & travel, but last Saturday I decided to go out and try a small business to open a restaurant that I named Incip Incip, besides that I also run a small business to sell tickets, tours, hotel vouchers, passports and visas but limited to close friends because I don"t have capital and a place

My Business

My current source of income from this restaurant business, and there is also income from my tour and travel business

Loan Proposal

I want to renovate my restaurant and buy a few tables and chairs because there are some that have been damaged. the price of 1 set of tables and chairs ranges from USD 50

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

hai, nama Saya Lisa, Saya umur 38 tahun. dulu Saya bekerja selama 16th di bidang tour & travel, tapi Saturday tahun yang lalu Saya memutuskan until keluar Dan mencoba usaha kecil kecilan membuka rumah makan yang Saya beri nama Incip Incip, selain itu say juga masih menjalankan usaha kecil kecilan untuk menjual tiket, tour, voucher hotel , passport Dan visa tapi hanya sebatas teman teman dekat karena Saya belum mempunyai modal Dan tempat

My Business

Sumber penghasilan Saya saat ini dari usaha rumah makan ini, Dan ada pemasukan juga dari usaha tour and travel saya

Loan Proposal

saya ingin merenovasi rumah makan saya dan mebeli beberapa meja dan kursi karena ada beberapa yang sudah rusak. harga 1 set meja dan kursi berkisar usd 50





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 5, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Gorssel, Netherlands



United States

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