Purchases of materials sold

Intan Nurani Gustia

Bogor, Indonesia

100% repaid



Intan Nurani Gustia

Member since

July 2018

On-time repayments

18 installments  •  67%

About Me

Hello, introduce my name intan nurani gustia wijaya. I was born in Jakarta 05 March 1988, currently settling in being bombarded by a civil servant and having 2 cute toddlers. The reason I want to open a business is because I want to increase my income, after stopping working in 2016 yesterday due to my health condition which is acceptable for Pulmonary TB. And again now my family needs a lot of money because my mother is sick and often goes out of the hospital. And it occurred to me to try to open a franchise business that I found on the internet, I see that right now the product is plaguing the community. Because there is no capital so I try to apply for a capital loan to Zidisha.

My Business

My current source of income is definitely from the husband"s salary, and I also sell online product oriflame. I also sell preloved goods for additional capital, and also I become a reseller of the little snack

Loan Proposal

I will collect this fund to increase my business capital, because there are quite a lot of capital such as purchasing booths with equipment and raw materials worth Rp 8,800,000, leasing Rp 1,500,000, paying employee salaries of Rp 1,000,000 and operating costs and other unexpected costs of Rp 2,000,000 . The profit is quite large if calculated per month I can get a gross profit of Rp 20,000,000.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Halo, perkenalkan nama saya intan nurani gustia wijaya. Saya lahir di jakarta 05 maret 1988, saat ini menetap dibogor bersuamikan seorang PNS dan memiliki 2 anak balita yang lucu2. Alasan saya ingin membuka usaha karena ingin menambah pendapatan, setelah berhenti berkerja tahun 2016 kemarin dikarenakan kondisi kesehatan saya yang terkenan TB Paru. Dan lagi saat ini keluarga saya membutuhkan banyak biaya karena ibu saya yang sakit-sakitan sehingga sering keluar masuk RS. Dan terpikirlah oleh saya untuk coba membuka usaha franchise yang saya temukan di internet, saya lihat memang saat ini product tsb mewabah dimasyarakat. Karena tidak ada modal jadi saya coba mengajukan pinjaman modal ke zidisha.

My Business

Sumber penghasilan saya saat ini sudah pasti dari gaji suami, dan saya juga berjualan online product oriflame. Saya juga menjual barang barang preloved untuk tambahan modal, dan juga saya menjadi reseller the little snack

Loan Proposal

Dana ini akan saya kumpulkan untuk menambah modal usaha saya, karena modal yang lumayan banyak sperti pembelian booth beserta kelengkapan peralatannya dan bahan baku senilai Rp 8,800,000, sewa tempat Rp 1,500,000, Bayar gaji karyawan Rp 1,000,000 dan biaya operasiinal dan biaya tidak terduga lainnya sebesar Rp 2,000,000. Keuntungannya lumayan besar jika dihitung per bulan saya bisa mendapatkan laba kotor sebesar Rp 20,000,000.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 22, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks




Oakland, United States




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