Purchase and addition of goods


Bekasi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

59 installments  •  69%

About Me

I am a child of Minang descent. I am from a small business taught already. even for school fees until college sy search for myself with my own efforts. often for the sake of paying school. my merchandise thinned the item .. but sy can add merchandise and earn profit. my principle is small profit tp sale a lot, better than big profit but little sales. I am a lulusa strata one of economics (S1) majoring in accounting.

My Business

my business is trading shoes, and bags. and help friends sell jeans. and jg no hat selling business. new "I am also helping my home business (juice) business I helped to market the product, the profit from the business I will use to meet the necessities of life, pay childcare for children, and a little savings.

Loan Proposal

i will add my stock jeans. size 32-38 type 504. about 2-3 dozen. per dozen Rp685,000 or $ 52 per 12pcs. with a profit of Rp 274000 or $ 25. for per 12 pcs. so there is a 40% profit. the selling price is around Rp 80-85000 per pcs or $ 7-8 per pcs. thank you

My Videos

Jan 17, 2023: Usaha kuliner gultik sejak 1980

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya anak keturunan minang. saya dari kecil sudah diajarkan usaha. bahkan untuk biaya sekolah sampai kuliah sy cari sendiri dengan usaha saya sendiri. sering demi membayar sekolah. dagangan saya menipis itemnya.. tapi sy mampu menambah dagangan dan mendapatkan laba. prinsip saya untung kecil tp penjualan banyak, lebih baik daripada untung besar tapi penjualan sedikit. saya lulusa strata satu ekonomi (S1) jurusan akuntansi.

My Business

usaha saya berdagang sepatu, dan tas. dan membantu teman menjual celana jeans. dan jg ada usaha jualan topi. baru" ini saya juga membantu usaha kakak usaha rumahan (jus) saya bantu untuk memasarkan produk tersebut.
laba dari usaha tsb saya gunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup,membayar daycare anak, serta sedikit tabungan. demikianlah. terima kasih .

Loan Proposal

saya akan menambah stok saya celana jeans. ukuran 32-38 jenis 504.
sekitar 2-3 lusin.
per lusin Rp685.000 atau $52 per 12pcs.
dengan harapan laba Rp 274000 atau $25. untuk per 12 pcs. jadi ada keuntungan 40 %. harga jual sekitar Rp 80-85000 per pcs atau $7-8 per pcs. terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 12, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks



Paul Graham

United States



United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States

Ask Abdurahman a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Dec 29, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 22, 2017 $7.56 Nov 21, 2017 $7.56
Nov 29, 2017 $7.56 Nov 30, 2017 $7.56
Dec 6, 2017 $7.56 Dec 6, 2017 $7.56
Dec 13, 2017 $7.56 Dec 13, 2017 $7.56
Dec 20, 2017 $7.56 Dec 29, 2017 $7.56
Dec 27, 2017 $7.56 Dec 29, 2017 $7.56
Jan 3, 2018 $4.38 Dec 29, 2017 $4.38
