Purchasing hard fabrics


Ngawi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2018

On-time repayments

18 installments  •  44%

About Me

Introduce my name soehardo I was born in Ponorogo October 28, 1968. I studied childhood and education from elementary, junior high and high school in Ponorogo. From childhood I educate parents with independent learning that helps parents sell food. In 1996 I married a woman from the city of heaven. After getting married we are both working together in Salatiga, work is home to the convection home industry. From this experience, I finally decided to go home to open my own business, namely a sewing or service business. In Java, the traditional arts are interesting, yatu reog, Javanese dance and tasters. I used to aspire to become a teacher when I was a child. My hobbies are reading and cycling.

My Business

I work in the field of clothing convection or sewing services. I am interested in running this business because the clothing business has no death, because clothing includes basic necessities. My convection business, which is done by 3 people, namely me, iatri and 1 worker My turnover is an average of 5 million to 7 million a month. While the net profit is around 4 million. I use the net benefits for my child"s school fees, meals and daily necessities. Sisanys is saved

Loan Proposal

Given this loan all I would buy was to buy half rolls of hard cloth or coatings that cost 170000 IDR

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Perkenalkan nama saya soehardo saya lahir di ponorogo 28 oktober 1968. Saya nengenyam masa kecil dan pendidikan dari sd, smp dan sma di ponorogo.

Dari kecil saya didik orang tua dgn belajar mandiri yaitu membantu orang tua jualan makanan.

Tahun 1996 saya menikah dengan seorang wanita dari kota ngawi. Setelah menikah kita berdua sama 2 bejerja di salatiga, kerja disebuh home indusri konveksi. Dari pengalaman inilah akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pulang ke ngawi untuk buka usaha sendiri yaitu usaha konveksi atau jasa nenjahit.

Di jawa kesenian tradisionalnya yg menarik yatu reog, tari jawa dan campur sari.

Dulu sewaktu kecil bercita cita ingin jadi guru

Hobi saya membaca dan olah raga bersepeda.

My Business

Saya bekerja dibidang konveksi atau jasa menjahit baju. 
Saya tertarik menjalankan bisnis ini karena bisnis pakaian tidak ada matinya, karena pakaian termasuk kebutuhan pokok.
Usaha konveksi saya, di kerjakan 3 orang yaitu saya, iatri dan 1 pekerja
Omset saya rata rata sebulan 5 juta sampai 7 juta. Sedangkan keuntungan bersih sekitar 4 juta.
Keuntungan bersih itu saya gunakan untuk biaya sekolah anak saya, makan dan keoerluan sehari hari. Sisanys ditabung

Loan Proposal

Dengan diberikannya pinjaman ini kesemuanya akan saya belikan untuk membeli kain keras setengah rol atau bahan pelapis baju yang harganya 170000 IDR





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 18, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



London, United Kingdom

Mike and Jacqui

United Kingdom

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