Purchase of stock


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $28 goal


days left




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  85%

About Me

Good afternoon, I have been a housewife with 2 children and I am running a small online business ... more or less 2 years I have been working on this online business, the results obtained are thank God, but I was hit by funding, please let me help me in the loan this time .

My Business

the source of funds that can be obtained from other than online business, namely from the husband, even if only an online motorcycle driver but he worked hard for me and my family, I am proud and I want to build a better future .. so I want to borrow some funds that will later I use it for my online business needs by depositing more items or by adding energy to help my business. thank you for your help

Loan Proposal

I want to stock items so please help me in stock problems because sometimes hard to find items in one place so I don"t have to go online to find the items ... thank you for your trust in me.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

selamat siang, saya mila saya ibu rumah tangga dengan 2 anak dan sedang menjalankan bisnis online kecil kecilan.. kurang lebih 2thn ini saya menekuni bisnis online ini hasil yg didapat alhamdulillah tapi terbentur di pendanaan, mohon kiranya bapak ibu bisa membantu saya dalam peminjaman kali ini.

My Business

sumber dana yg di dapat selain dari bisnis online yaitu dari suami, biarpun hanya seorang driver ojek online tapi dy bekerja keras untuk saya dan keluarga, saya bangga dan saya berkeinginan membangun maupsa depan lebih baik lagi.. makanya saya ingin meminjam sejumlah dana yg nantinya akan saya gunakan untuk keperluan bisnis online saya ini dengan menyetok barang lebih banyak atau dengan menambahkan tenaga untuk membantu bisnis saya. trimakasih atas bantuannya

Loan Proposal

saya mau stok barang jadi tolong bantu saya dalam masalah stok karna kadang barang susah dicari disatu tempat jadi saya jga harus online cari barangnya.. trimakasih atas kepercayaannya kepada saya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 17, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

4 weeks




United States

Ask Siti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Sep 17, 2018


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Aug 27, 2018 $7.02
Sep 3, 2018 $7.02
Sep 10, 2018 $7.02
Sep 17, 2018 $7.02
