Procurement of mainboard ddr 4 socket 1151


Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

27 installments  •  56%

About Me

My self-interest in the world of computers that made me plunge into the sale and purchase of online spare part komputre and PC, my ignorance will be the computer in childhood is what makes me learn self-taught computer equipment, the use of computer spare parts and computer software .. where at this time of the digital era then the computer device is certainly in need on everyone outside of the smartphone, because the PC more powerful computer to endure hours of hours to do browsing on the smartphone appeal that will limit the battery resistance

My Business

Armed with hoby in computer spare part then I try to pursue the business of buying and selling spare part of computer through online where at this time online sales increased sharply and become the best way to do activity of buying and selling from conventional store, at this time I want to have cafe which is where the procurement of my PC rskit own with a little knowledge of the computer world where my hobby was in the computer world then I want to open the cafe and the funds I get from zidhisa I will use to assemble 1buah PC and its monitor, where a PC device second and its monitor in need about $ 100

Loan Proposal

Trying to speculate to hold a second mainboard that has a DDR 4 socket which at this time is still rare in the market which could be a business opportunity that has excess speed of computer performance

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Kegemaran diri saya pada dunia komputer yang membuat saya terjun ke dalam jual beli online spare part komputre maupun PC,ketidak tahuan saya akan komputer pada masa kecil lah yang membuat saya belajar secara otodidak mengenal perangkat komputer,kegunaan spare part komputer maupun software komputer..dimana pada saat ini era serba digital maka perangkat komputer tentu sangat di butuhkan pada setiap orang di luar dari pada smartphone,karna komputer PC lebih kuat bertahan berjam jam untuk melakukan browsing di banding smartphone yang tebatas akan ketahan batre

My Business

Berbekal hoby di spare part komputer maka saya mencoba untuk menekuni bisnis jual beli spare part komputer melalui online di mana pada saat ini penjualan via online meningkat tajam dan menjadi sarana terbaik untuk melakukan kegiatan jual beli dari pada toko konvensional,pada saat ini saya ingin memiliki warnet sendiri yang mana pengadaan PC saya rskit sendiri dengan berbekal sedikit pengetahuan tentang dunia komputer dimana hobi saya pun di dalam dunia komputer maka saya ingin buka warnet dan dana yang saya dapatkan dari zidhisa akan saya gunakan untuk merakit 1buah PC beserta monitor nya,dimana sebuah perangkat PC second beserta monitor nya di butuhkan sekitar $100

Loan Proposal

Mencoba untuk melakukan spekulasi untuk mengadakan mainboard second yang memiliki socket DDR 4 dimana pada saat ini masih jarang di pasaran yg bisa menjadi peluang usaha yang memiliki kelebihan kecepatan performa komputer





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 4, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Rizky a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Oct 26, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Oct 11, 2017 $0.77 Oct 10, 2017 $0.77
Oct 18, 2017 $3.83 Oct 18, 2017 $3.83
Oct 25, 2017 $3.83 Oct 25, 2017 $3.83
Nov 1, 2017 $3.83 Oct 26, 2017 $3.83
Nov 8, 2017 $3.83 Oct 26, 2017 $3.83
Nov 15, 2017 $0.04 Oct 26, 2017 $0.04
