Stall renovation and purchasing of equipment for traditional cake stall


Jember, Indonesia

8% repaid




Member since

April 2015

On-time repayments

68 installments  •  9%

About Me

I am a native of Jember, born 35 years ago. I am only a high school graduate, this is because my family was not able to pay for my school fee.
Since I was still in primary school I used to help my parent's business. Since I graduated from high school, I helped my parents to run a stall on the road where we live in. After my parents passed away, I tried to open my own stall, selling various traditional cakes and snacks, such as tempura, cilok, kerak telor, and various fried snacks.
I am married since 1998. Since 2003, I have been running this stall with the full support of my husband and children.

My Business

I started this snacks stall in front of my house since 2003. I am selling various traditional snacks, such as tempura, cilok, kerak telor, and other fried snacks.
I need to renovate some parts of my stall, so that it can be rain proof, since in a rainy days a lot of customers like my warm snacks. I also need to purchase more equipment, so that I can improve my service and satisfy the customers' needs.
I will use the loan for the following:
1. Roof for my stall: 20 x $5 = $100
2. Large frying pan: 1 piece = $20
3. Table: $15

To the total amount of $135.

Loan Proposal

I need to repair my stall and also purchase some equipment, so that I can improve my service and satisfy the customers' needs.
I will use the loan for the following:
1. Roof for my stall: 20 x $5 = $100
2. Large frying pan: 1 piece = $20
3. Table: $15

To the total amount of $135.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah warga asli kelahiran kota Jember 35 tahun yang lalu. Saya hanya lulusan SMP. Maklum keluarga orang tua saya tergolong keluarga kurang mampu.
Sejak masih sekolah dasar saya biasa membantu orang tua berjualan keliling dari kampung ke kampung.
Setelah lulus SMP saya membantu orang tua berjualan di depan gang tempat saya tinggal.
Setelah ibu dan bapak saya meninggal, saya membuka sendiri, berdagang aneka kue tradisional, yaitu : Tempura, Cilok, Kerak Telor, dan Gorengan tahu, hongkong , deode, pisang goreng.
Saya menikah sejak 1998. Sejak 2003 saya membuka usaha ini dengan didukung sepenuhnya oleh suamai dan anak-anak saya.

My Business

Saya mulai membuka lapak menjual kue siap saji atau kue tradisional ini di depan rumah sejak 2003. ANeka makanan yang saya jual sampai saat ini antara lain : Tempura, Cilok, Kerak Telor, dan Gorengan tahu, hongkong , deode, pisang goreng.
Kondisi la[ak yang saya tempati saat ini perlu pembenahan agar tidak terganggu saat ada hujan. MAklum makanan hangat sangat laris saat cuaca dingin atau hujan.
Demikian juga saya perlu menambah peralatan warung saya ini agar layanan penjualan lebih cepat dan memuaskan pelanggan.
Kebutuhan mendesak ini dapat saya perinci sebagai berikut:
1. Asbes untuk lapak : 20 x Rp 70.000 = Rp 1.400.000,-
2. Wajan besar : 1 buah = Rp 250.000,-
3. Tatakan 1 m2 : Rp 175.000,-

Jumlah kebutuhan mendesak saat ini : Rp 1.825.000,-

Loan Proposal

Saya perlu menambah peralatan warung saya dan memperbaiki lapak warung agar layanan penjualan lebih cepat dan memuaskan pelanggan.
Kebutuhan mendesak ini dapat saya perinci sebagai berikut:
1. Asbes untuk lapak : 20 x Rp 70.000 = Rp 1.400.000,-
2. Wajan besar : 1 buah = Rp 250.000,-
3. Tatakan 1 m2 : Rp 175.000,-
Jumlah kebutuhan mendesak saat ini : Rp 1.825.000,-





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 24, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

15 months



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Ask Sumiati a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • popeye    Dec 3, 2015

    So what happened back in June that all of a sudden your repayments stopped???? Sumiati, I trust you are doing well?
    Maybe now that it is Christmas time of year that business will
    pick up for you. Have faith....
    from Texas, Merry Christmas

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  • Joseph    Apr 23, 2015

    all the best in your business

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