Stock of chicken for cattle


Pasuruan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  89%

About Me

Introduce my name is Christeddy Andri Purbaya. I come from Indonesia. I am married and have 2 children under five. I was born in Java, and spent a childhood with my mother because my parents divorced when I was 1 year old. Since childhood, I have been used to the struggle of my mother who was heavy in raising me alone. So that makes me want to be happy. I tried 2 times to go to university, but both of them failed to achieve until I graduated because of the financial problems that I experienced. So I decided to become an entrepreneur. I have tried a lot of effort, starting from duck farms, cellphone and credit shops, bird farms, but all were unsuccessful. But that did not dampen my enthusiasm, so I still tried other businesses, namely the business of trading chicken pieces, and I was very grateful, from this effort I was able to meet the needs of my small family. My homeland is very unique, with all its culture and human diversity, friendliness is one of our highlights. My goal when I was a child was to be a farmer, because I like the world of animals and that raising animals is my hobby. I have several birds, bangkok chickens, dogs, turtle turtles and fish

My Business

I sell fresh cut chicken on the market in my neighborhood. I see this business opportunity profitable because the demand for chicken is very large. The turnover that I get for one month is around 9 million rupiah. I use this advantage for business turnover, paying for children"s schooling, and in the future I want to make my own chicken farm, because that makes me get a much cheaper price than taking it from middlemen

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to increase the capital of buying chickens for my chickens to increase sales so I can gradually pay off my debt

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Perkenalkan nama saya Christeddy Andri Purbaya. Saya berasal dari Indonesia. Saya sudah menikah dan memiliki 2 orang anak balita.
Saya lahir di Jawa, dan menghabiskan masa kecil dengan ibu karena orang tua saya bercerai ketika saya berumur 1 tahun. Sejak kecil saya terbiasa dengan perjuangan ibu saya yang berat dalam membesarkan saya seorang diri. Jadi itu membuat saya ingin sekali membahagiakannya.
Saya 2 kali mencoba melanjutkan kuliah ke universitas, tetapi keduanya gagal saya capai hingga lulus karena permasalahan keuangan yang saya alami. Jadi saya memutuskan untuk berwirausaha. Banyak usaha yang telah saya coba, mulai dari peternakan bebek, toko handphone dan pulsa, peternakan burung, namun semuanya tidak berhasil. Tapi hal itu tidak menyurutkan semangat usaha saya, sehingga saya masih mencoba usaha lainnya, yaitu usaha berdagang ayam potong, dan saya sangat bersyukur, dari usaha ini saya mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga kecil saya.
Tanah kelahiran saya sangatlah unik, dengan segala budaya dan keragaman manusia nya, keramahan menjadi salah satu cirikhas kami
Cita cita saya ketika masih kecil adalah menjadi peternak, karena saya menyukai dunia binatang dan itu memelihara binatang adalah hobi saya. Saya mempunyai beberapa ekor burung, ayam bangkok, anjing, kura kura dan ikan

My Business

Saya menjual ayam potong segar di pasar di lingkungan tempat tinggal saya. Saya melihat peluang bisnis ini menguntungkan karena permintaan ayam potong sangat besar. Omset yang sata dapatkan selama satu bulan adalah sekitar 9 juta rupiah. Saya menggunakan keuntungan ini untuk perputaran bisnis, membayar sekolah anak, dan kedepan saya ingin membuat peternakan ayam saya sendiri, karena itu kan membuat saya mendapatkan harga yang jauh lebih murah daripada mengambil dari tengkulak

Loan Proposal

Saya akan memakai pinjaman ini untuk menambah modal membeli ayam ternak untuk bahan dagangan ayam potong saya agar terjadi peningkatan penjualan sehingga saya bisa sedikit demi sedikit melunasi hutang hutang saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 25, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Shrewsbury, United Kingdom

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  • Christeddy    Jul 11, 2018

    My first child will enter his kindergarten this week, so I will use this loan to pay his school expense

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  • Christeddy    May 8, 2018

    I have pay the loan back in time and I will use the next loan for buying new knife to cut the chicken. Thanks for your help

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  • Christeddy    Apr 25, 2018

    Thanks for your kindness to fund my loan, I really appreciate it

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  • Christeddy    Apr 25, 2018

    Your loan means a lot for me, I include it to buy those chicken, although it cannot buy all those chicken, for the next I hope I can get bigger loan and use it wisely

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