Supplies materials and fabrics as well as other sewing equipment


Bandung Barat, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2018

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  75%

About Me

hello, my full name is Rani Septianti, my date is 26-09-1985, my address is now Mangga Besar IX

My Business

I learned to open a small online business opportunity without any capital before by following the online reseler at some well-known online stores. So I got the points and I collected a little profit in the end until I was able to open my own baby clothes online business at home while working. The turnover that I get is pretty good, it can be calculated from per pcs of clothes I can profit from 5000-10,000 per pcs of baby clothes

Loan Proposal

Profits from the business of selling clothes on the count turnover per pcs shirt I take advantage of the clothes 1pcs it 5000-10000 Depending on the type of clothes and baby clothes model sold Every week turnover is determined by the sales yg do per day Then every one week sales recap

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About Me

nama lengkap saya Rani Septianti
tgl lahir saya 26-09-1985
alamat saya sekarang Mangga besar IX

My Business

saya belajar membuka peluang usaha online kecil2 an
tanpa modal sebelum nya dengan mengikuti reseler online di beberapa toko online ternama.hingga sy mendapat kan poin juga keuntungan sedikit di sedikit saya kumpulkan hingga akhir nya saya bisa membuka bisnis online baju bayi sendiri di rumah sambil bekerja.omset yang saya dapat lumayan
bisa di hitung dari per pcs harga baju saya dapat keuntungan 5000-10.000 dari per pcs baju bayi

Loan Proposal

Keuntungan dari bisnis menjual pakaian di hitung omset per pcs baju
Saya mengambil keuntungan dari 1pcs baju itu 5000-10000
Tergantung jenis baju dan model baju bayi yang terjual
Setiap minggu omzet di tentukan oleh penjualan yg di lakukan per hari
Kemudian setiap satu minggu sekali rekap penjualan





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 29, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



J Fister

United States

Ask Rani a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jul 31, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Aug 6, 2018 $10.19 Jul 31, 2018 $10.19
