Supply of beautiful snack parcels on the day of eid


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

32 installments  •  50%

About Me

The history of ms small sy does not differ much with other children, school sy at public schools in central jakarta region, because dl synya sy is big lbh bnyk dijakarta center

My Business

brg yg sy sell a variety of needs hari2, like baju2 gamis, jilbab2, men shoes

Loan Proposal

Sy will use the funds to buy / sell a brand of mermh, spy sy do not need back lg to suplier to take orders who hrz remove excess lg for transportation

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Riwayat ms kecil sy tdk berbeda jauh dg anak2 lainnya, sy sekolah di sekolah negeri di wilayah jakarta pusat, krn dl sblmnya sy memang besar lbh bnyk dijakarta pusat&br stlh menikah pny anak ikut suami ngontrak di jakarta barat krn kebenaran ibu mertua jg tinggal dijakarta barat. sy jg smpat kuliah di universitas lmyn ternama didaerah pondok cina depok, dg beasiswa yg sy dptkan saat sy ikut tes2 disekolah yg diselenggrain kampus tsb di sekolah sy smpe semester 3. namun krn lokasi kampus yg amat sgt jauh&sy sering dpt jdwl kuliah sampe mlm yg tdk memungkinkan dlm segi transportasi plg kermh, akhirnya sy memutuskan utk melanjutkan kuliah di kampus akademi lmyn terkenal jg dibilangan jakarta pusat tepatnya di akademi bsi hingga smester 5 namun saat itu kuliah sy bentrok ttz dg jdwl krj sy yg kebenaran sblmnya smpet aman2 sj saat sy mlai memutuskan utk kuliah smbil bekerja spy bs bantu alm papa. bbrp smester sy bs buktiin ke alm papa klo kuliah sy bs aman sxpn sy krj dg dpt beasiswa lagi di smstr 2, tapi tnyt itu smua tdk bertahan lama krn sy tnyt hrz memilih antara tetap lanjut kuliah atau gunain kesempatan dpt krj dg gaji yg saat itu lmyn utk sy dg berbagai macam pemasukan lain spt komisi jg jam lembur jg uang pameran dikrjaan sy. akhirnya sy pun memutuskan memilih utk krj krn sy ingin dpt uang utk bntu2 alm papa yg krj sndri, smntr abang sy yg jg kuliah dibandung tdk bs diharapkan krn sibuk main ngeband sm tmn2nya. stiap hr sy krj dr pagi smpe mlm, pameran dr 2 tempat ketempat lain yg alhmdulillah smua sll didukung alm papa yg stiap hr jika sempet sll brusha utk jemput&anter sy krj wlpn sy krj hny sbg spg toko matras/kasur. ditempat krj sy tsb yg mengajarkan sy mnjdi seorg marketing, yg menjual brg yg sbnrnya hny penting bg kalangan org yg berduit lmyn(krn harga kasur yg sy jual rate diatas 15jt/set tmsk divan&headboard)tapi dr hasil sy krj bs sdkt bantu2 alm papa sy beli kebutuhan dirmh bhkn kdg bs bntu almpapa disaat lg bth uang utk pegangan krn krjaan alm papa sy dl sbg driver pribadi mobil gelap dibandar soeta yg hasilnya sll tdk tetap. wlpn hasik yg sy capai tdk tll besar tapi sy bersykur dg hasil tsb bs bntu papa sy sdkt2, dbanding sy hrz nadah tangan mnt trz sm papa spt abang sy. dan stlh papa mninggal ada kepuasan tersendiri sy thdp hsil yg sy capai saat alm papa msh ada, wlpn dibalik itu smua hati sy sdkt nangis krn tdk bs jd sarjana sblm papa sy mninggal namun sy anggap itu pilihan hdp yg hrz sy pilih antara pendidikan atau pekerjaan. sy mengambil keputusan utk bisnis dirmh sndri ketika saat sy diberi anak, dimana sy hrz dituntut utk ngurus anak jg rmh tangga namun disisi lain sy jg ingin menambah penghasilan diluar dr yg diksh suami sy stiap hr terutama krn tuntutan kebutuhan anak yg makin besar seiring jalannya usia anak sy smntr sy tdk bs krj diluar rmh&hrz meninggalkan anak sy tanpa ksh syg jg wkt yg lbh utk anak sy spt anak2 lainnya. yg membuat tanah&budaya dilokasi sy unik, krn hmpir seluruh warga dirmh sy itu berasal dr betawi asli bahkn diarea kontrakan sy tsb sekelilingnya itu 1kel smua wlpn hny sy yg bkn anggota kel mrk tp loyalitas mrk antar sesama kel bs diacungin jempol krn mereka bahu membahu bantu saat rmh sy kena banjir dll. utk cita2 sy saat msh sekolah sd smpe smu sll berbeda2 krn mlai dr dokter, pramugari sampai jd pengacar tp tdk satu pun cita2 sy yg terwujud krn stlh sy mengerti arti hdp itu sot apa akhirnya sy hny memutuskan utk menjdi org yg sll lebih baik&lbh baik lg stiap hr, trutma skr saat sy sudah jd istri jg ibu dr 1org anak perempuan hny itu yg jd doa&harapan sy hdp smpe skr. sy hny memiliki hobi yg notabene mgk sm dg berbgai org spt seneng baca apa pun, nonton apa pun smpe berita, jalan2 shopping sampe wisata kuliner dg alm papa dl&skr stlh nikah hobi jalan2 sm anak sy ketempat permainan anak2 atau sekedar jln2 kelokasi wisata dg anak&suami. selebihnya sy hny menjalankan kegiatan sehari2 sy sbg istri&ibu dirmh, yg ditambah dg bisnis online kecil2an dirmh sambil momong anak tdk ada yg spesial spt org lain.

My Business

brg yg sy jual berupa berbagai macam kebutuhan sehari2, spt baju2 gamis, jilbab2, sepatu laki2&wanita, tas, jam tangan, kemeja laki2, baju wanita, aneka keperluan anak sampai yg lg trend skr kipas ac. tapi sudah bbrp th ini stiap mnjelang puasa&lebaran, sy menambahkn jualn sy dg cemilan utk lebaran spt coklat delfi&lagie jg aneka kacang mede 8rasa yg dikemas dlm kemasan plastik kiloan/pun berupa parsel toples&tabung, aneka kue kering jg aneka cemilan lainnya yg berbeda&hny sy sediakan ditiap menjelang moment puasa&lebaran jg menambahkan penghasilan sy dg berjualan mknan berbuka puasa didepan gang rmh. sy merasa apa yg sy jual dibutuhkan oleh smua org, terutama utk moment puasa&lebaran, krn biasanya org bnyk yg mau beli apa pun semahal apa pun demi utk tampil beda di hari lebaran. sedangkan utk servis yg sy berikan berupa diskon atau potongn harga utk setiap min pembelian brg yg order atau pemberian diskon harga reseller, serta kejaminan brg yg dikirim akan sampai tujuan dlm bts wkt tertentu atau kalo tdk uang akan sy refund balik. krn spt yg bnyk qt tau, jualan online itu rentan sx dg mslh kepercayaan krn cust yg beli blm kenal penjual sm sx bhkn utk melihat mukanya sj pun hny lwt fto di medsos. mknya sy memberikan smua kelebihan itu utk membuat cust percaya akan jualan online sy yg insya allah amanah jg bertanggungjwb, wlpn mgk ada bbrp olshop lain yg tdk amanah. utk usaha sy diluar cemilan lebaran tdk butuh ongkos yg sgt besar krn sy hny butuh kuota internet sj, krn selebihnya smua jd urusan suplier sy trutma mslh pengiriman dr suplier lgsg ke cust yg order&sy hny ckp transfer uang ke suplier brg sudah dipacking jg siap dikirim(sy pake sistem kirim dropship).smntr omset yg sy dpt memang tdk terlalu besar dibanding omset cemilan lebaran, namun sy bs mngambil untung sktr 40-50rb/brg yg dikirim wlpn tdk rutin bs dpt orderan tiap hr. berbeda halnya dg cemilan lebaran yg bth ongkos lebih krn sy hrz ambil brg lgsg ke bogor pake kereta utk bs sampe ke lokasi tko suplier, tapi utk hasil yg didapat lbh dr lmyn wlpn sy hny mngambil untung 20-30rb/brg yg diorder customer tapi spt th lalu sy bisa meraup keuntungan hmpir 2,5jt dr modal yg sy keluarkan sktr 1jt yg stlh ditambah ongkos jg utk bahan2 packing spt bubblewrap, selotip&lakban smntr klo utk keuntungan berjualan mknan buka puasa sy blm tau krn br th ini sy mau mencoba dg join sm ibu tmn sekolah anak yg kebenaran sering main kermh krn sekolah anak dkt sm rmh sy. utk hasil yg sy dpt dr jualan sy slm ni biasa digunain utk tambah2 keperluan atau jajan anak, smntr klo utk hsil dr jualan cemilan lebaran sbgian sy gunain utk ksh ibu, utk masak mknan lebaran jg sy simpan sbgian utk nambah modal usaha jualan sy yg lain klo tb2 dpt ide usaha jualan lain stlh moment puasa&lebaran selesai yg jg sudah dipotong sdkt utk bersedekah. sy hny berharap smg jualan sy bs lancar wlpn keuntungan yg sy dpt tdk bsr, yg pnting sy jualan dipercaya&insya allah amanah itu sj tdk muluk2 meraup keuntungan yg bsr namun sering kecewain customer

Loan Proposal

sy akan menggunakan dana tsb utk membeli/menyetok bbrp brg jualan sy dirmh, spy sy tdk perlu bolak balik lg ke suplier utk mengambil pesanan yg hrz mengeluarkan ongkos berlebih lg utk transportasi





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Amalia a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Amalia    Sep 17, 2017

    Thanks to zidisha also to the donors for the trust given, I have received the disbursement of 374,062 from the zidisha. From the funds I have used to buy some capital goods pesenan my customer who was delayed because I lack of capital, but previously apologize because I rush to buy my pesenan goods after the funds entered from zidisha I forgot to document the goods because the customer goods dipesen my customer is including goods that are hard to get so after I can directly give to my customer. I am really grateful for the trust and opportunity given by zidisha and the funders to me which I can not mention one by one, hopefully in the future thanks to the good cooperation between me and zidisha can advance my online business shop more amin

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  • Amalia    Sep 9, 2017

    Alhamdulillah praise and thank God I pray to Allah SWT and thanks to the Zidisha funders who I can not mention one by one for all the trust that has been given to me so far to be able to improve my small business again. So I can add my business type to be more varied again and of course with the funds that have been given by the funders can help me to be able to improve better my small business that insha Allah can become more increasingly in the future amen. With the funds already provided by Zidisha I will use to add my Tupperware selling goods little by little until later can be more and more and so can have a small shop itself like my hopes and dreams so far.

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  • Amalia    Sep 1, 2017

    With my third loan application this time, I intend to add my onlineshop merchandise with items from tupperware. because tupperware business is now being crowded in our region, because tupperware provides a lot of bonus bonus to become a member of tupperware one of discount and reward that I can use to attract buyers. the result of the business tupperware I will turn back into additional capital again for my other online shop goods, because smakin many items online shop that I sell can increase my income to help the husband"s income. Alhamdulillah thanks to my online shop business which although thankfully not too big like a person who has a shop but I can please my son also helps the husband to buy home goods little by little in addition to the capital increase my online shop sales. Like for example nowadays in Indonesia is celebrating Eid al-Adha, before the holiday arrives I can sell some goods tupperware and my other online shop for preparing to welcome the Hajj of my customers. Hopefully with the addition of tupperware online sales I can increase my income bit by bit, so that I can have a fixed place of business in the form of shops that sell anything other than tupperware in accordance with my dreams and expectations so far. hopefully with additional capital from the zidisha funders can help widen my business wings bigger and more rapidly again. . amiin

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  • Amalia    Jun 28, 2017

    Alhamdulillah the loan that I submitted has been disbursed, I really thanked the big money to the lender of funds because it has given me a chance to return to be able to increase my current business capital. I will use the loan money to buy my business needs may be a catalog of goods or others as a supporter of my business, hopefully from the results of supporting the business can facilitate me to sell my business goods more easily and smoothly in the future amen

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  • Amalia    Jun 28, 2017

    Thanksgiving I pray to Allah Almighty and a very big thank you I gave to all funders in zidisha for giving me a chance to return to get a second loan fund. I will actually use these loan funds to slightly increase my venture capital, which is a bit short after celebrating Lebaran yesterday. With this loan money I will use to buy a catalog of goods that I will sell, hopefully with the catalog can facilitate me to transact sales in the future amen

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  • Amalia    May 27, 2017

    Alhamdulillah. . From the funds I"ve got from zidisha I can add some items such as delfi chocolate, packet of pastries and various kinds of customer"s snack. And hopefully funds from zidisha can add to the results of my sales in the future can run smoothly and continuously, and can expand my business to a bigger and better and complete again amen. Hopefully the future zidisha can continue to cooperate with me in terms of funding my business and not only during Ramadan and Eid fitri like now but can be for in other days. Thank you as much as I say to zidisha for all the help given a loan, because with the loan I get from zidisha the benefits of the purchase of these items a little can to please my child especially when Ramadan like this is identical a lot of snacks or food To break the fast that my husband and I can eat

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  • Amalia    May 21, 2017

    I will quickly use the money to buy some of my goods such as chocolate delfi kiloan following jars and also buy pudding for sale when fasting later. With the goods I bought or stock first, can make it easier for me to have samples of goods that I sell not only in the form of pictures via gadget only. I really thank you very much for the opportunity that has been given to me, as well as the enormous trust that I have received. I will try to always maintain the trust that has been given and I hope that the results I get satisfactory, so that it can run without any obstacles and obstacles amen

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