Stock of my soup


Yogyakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  38%

About Me

I am Tri, warm greetings. . __Asli Yogyakarta, born growing up in this beloved city. even to get married wife can also women Yogya. People say hell. . ngirit cost if can couple one city. . hehe. . __Until now we are happy with our lives, and again the gift of 4 children, 3 men, one woman. Suffice our circumstances. Even if said prosperous yet but can be said to be "fit". Pas there is the need to buy, pas pay debt can pay, pas pingin motor can buy. Just live right. The important thing is happy. . __We decide to be self-employed. Wife selling soto, while my job is a freeline driver. That is the freeline driver is not bound by contract with any party. Alhamdulillah many friends rental,, tour who sometimes use my services. Why am I taking this part? Is Remembering I have a mandate that we must always control. From waking, school, to going to bed. Which until now I still pick up school. __I am grateful to live in this city, with hospitality, comfort, mutual cooperation I still feel. Not to mention the increasing tourism that is developing today. So I am selling soto, hehe. . in addition to many tourists as well as this city of education city that every year is always increasing the number of students / wi. Easiest of the many things and efforts we"ve ever lakoni, we live, we enjoy with sincerity as long as it can produce results. . for the sake of family welfare. . we believe in the process, believe in the process, because at a time when opportunities and opportunities meet the ease, spaciousness, and success will come. . __We always share, talk, communicate with all our children, whether about life, about the purpose and more. . Alhamdulillah. . we got a decent, independent child. . probably also because of the educational results they get. . I did target schoolchildren in boarding school, full day. . although sometimes we feel heavy in reaching. . but with togetherness and love. . we can always go through it. . __Your activities at home to keep ornamental fish, because it is adapted to the environment where we live. In a dense village, fish in the aquarium are our choice. Sometimes if we give birth, we sell too. Hehe. . __Hobi our family almost the same, travel seneng. . love to play. . then thanks also my work helped our hobby. . sometimes I have to send a car to Bali, banyuwangi, bogor, I must invite my family. . hehe. . meet the hobby for no cost. . aka nunut. . and indeed often like that. . thank God. . __It is our information, hopefully not tired of reading it. . and gladly, we invite panjenengan all to come to Jogja tours with us, jalan2 with us. . and at the same time enjoy our soup. . Hehehe. . warm regards, Tri

My Business

I have 3 sources of income, although still a small level and although we always have big dreams, dreams have great results. For the happiness, prosperity, and future of our family and our environment. __The wife of Soto and chicken porridge at Jl. Batik. open at 06.00-14.00 hours, while I sometimes taxi online, between tours, freight services. That always has to do with the driver. Hehe. . __And other income from buying and selling of ornamental fish, breeding, buying and selling used goods worthy of use. Especially elelktronik. Because we realize that our needs are clearly high because we have all four children. So as an entrepreneur we must be able to always make a source of income. Although sometimes clashing needs, lack of capital, it does not matter. But it"s always a question we have to answer, we do, and we get it done. .

Loan Proposal

I will buy beef as much as 0,5 Kg for $ 6.0 0 USD, will likely bring keuntungn of $ 2.00 USD. Slow but sure. Our habit is that we will donate some food to the social institution where we live. The benefits of making others happy as well as financial benefits that we can enjoy with the family.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya Tri, salam hangat..
Asli Yogyakarta, lahir tumbuh besar di kota tercinta ini. bahkan sampai menikah dapat istri juga wanita Yogya. Kata orang sih.. ngirit biaya kalo dapat pasangan satu kota.. hehe..
Sampai sekarang kami berbahagia dengan kehidupan kami, dan lagi karunia 4 anak, 3 laki-laki, satu perempuan. Cukuplah keadaan kami. Kalaupun dikatakan sejahtera belum tapi bisalah dikatakan 'pas'. Pas ada kebutuhan bisa beli, pas bayar hutang bisa bayar, pas pingin motor bisa beli. Pokoknya hidup pas. Yang penting bahagia..
Kami memutuskan untuk berwiraswasta. Istri jualan soto, sedangkan pekerjaan saya sopir freeline. Maksudnya sopir freeline itu tidak terikat kontrak dengan pihak manapun. Alhamdulillah banyak kawan rental,, tour yg kadang menggunakan jasa saya. Kenapa saya ambil bagian ini? Adalah Mengingat saya memiliki amanah 4anak yg harus selalu kami kontrol. Dari bangun tidur,, sekolah, sampai berangkat tidur. Yang sampai sekarang saya masih antar jemput sekolah.
Saya bersyukur tinggal di kota ini, dengan keramah tamahan, kenyamanan, kegotong royongan masih saya rasakan. Belum lagi peningkatan wisata yg berkembang saat ini. Makanya saya jualan soto, hehe.. disamping banyak wisatawan juga kota ini kota pendidikan yang tiap tahun selalu bertambah jumlah mahasiswa/wi. Mudah2an dari sekian banyak hal dan usaha yg pernah kami lakoni, kami jalani, kami nikmati dengan ikhlas selama ini dapat membuahkan hasil.. demi kesejahteraan keluarga.. kami yakin dengan proses, percaya dengan proses, karena suatu saat ketika peluang dan kesempatan bertemu maka kemudahan, kelapangan, dan kesuksesan akan mendatangi..
Kami selalu share, bercakap, berkomunikasi dengan semua anak kami, baik mengenai hidup, mengenai tujuan dan lainnya.. Alhamdulillah.. kami mendapat anak yg santun, mandiri.. mungkin juga karena hasil pendidikan yabg mereka peroleh.. saya memang menargetkan anak sekolah di sekolah berbasis asrama, full day.. meski kadang kami merasa berat dalam mencapai.. tetapi dengan kebersamaan dan cinta kasih.. kami selalu dapat melalui nya..
Kegiatan kami dirumah memelihara ikan hias, karena disesuaikan dengan lingkungan tempat tinggal kami. Didalam kampung padat, ikan di akuarium menjadi pilihan kami. Kadang kalau beranak, kami jual juga. Hehe..
Hobi kami sekeluarga hampir sama, seneng travelling.. senang bermain.. maka syukur juga pekerjaan saya ikut membantu hobi kami.. kadang saya harus kirim mobil ke bali, banyuwangi, bogor, pastilah saya ajak sekeluarga.. hehe.. memenuhi hobi tanpa biaya.. alias nunut.. dan memang seringnya seperti itu.. syukurlah..
Demikian informasi kami, semoga tidak capek membacanya.. dan dengan senang hati, kami undang panjenengan semua untuk datang ke Jogja wisata bersama kami, jalan2 bersama kami.. dan sekaligus menikmati soto kami.. hehehe.. salam hangat, Tri&Familly.

My Business

Sumber penghasilan saya ada 3, meski masih taraf kecil dan meski kami selalu memiliki mimpi besar, mimpi mempunyai hasil besar. Demi kebahagiaan, kesejahteraan, dan masa depan kami sekeluarga dan lingkungan kami.
Istri jualan soto dan bubur ayam di Jl.Batikan. buka jam 06.00-14.00, sedangkan saya kadang taxi online, antar wisata, jasa angkut. Yang selalu ada hubungannya dengan sopir. Hehe..
Dan penghasilan lain dari jual beli ikan hias, beternak, jual beli barang bekas layak pakai. Terutama elelktronik. Karena kami menyadari bahwa kebutuhan kami jelas tinggi karena kami memiliki 4anak sekolah semua. Maka sebagai wiraswasta kami harus bisa selalu membuat sumber penghasilan. Meski kadang berbenturan kebutuhan, kekurangan modal, itu tidak menjadi masalah. Tetapi selalu menjadi persoalan harus kami jawab, kami kerjakan, dan kami selesaikan..

Loan Proposal

Saya akan membeli daging sapi sebanyak 0,5 Kg seharga $ 6.0 0 USD, kemungkinan akan mendatangkan keuntungn sebesar $2.00 USD. Pelan tapi pasti. Kebiasaan kami adalah kami akan menyumbangkan beberapa makanan kepada lembaga sosial dimana kami tinggal. Keuntungan membuat orang lain bahagia sekaligus keuntungan financial yang dapat kami nikmati dengan keluarga.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 9, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Tri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Wahyuni    Jun 1, 2018

    Can not be reached yet

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  • Wahyuni    Feb 17, 2018

    The person can not be contacted

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  • Wahyuni    Nov 7, 2017

    I have already contacted the related parties, he said, that the company will soon be repaid in the near future

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  • Tri    Sep 9, 2017

    We have received a loan from you through Zidisha. The funds will be used for the purchase of chicken pieces in preparation for further order fulfillment. Thank you for the trust given. Always success. . I hope today will be fun. .

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  • Tri    Sep 9, 2017

    Thank you for the help of the loan given. Furthermore, the funds will be used to buy some chickens which we will prepare to fulfill our order. Warm regards. Tri

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  • Tri    Jul 14, 2017

    thanks. __How much has changed from my personal and my family. From our social life to our children"s education. With so much we know something that we were blind to before, adds to our confidence. That we are so precious, that we are always happy. Whatever we do, never give up, be optimistic, and always smile. __We are very excited, as we tell you about our lives. All is the most beautiful miracle we always get. Especially our children who are always cheerful, always laugh. __This effort that we pioneered, slowly but always shows the extraordinary things, from the beginning of friendship in social media, internet, many find a friend, even already like your own brother. __The effect is very meaningful for the development of our business, which finally, through our friends, we get orders, we get merchandise. __Its from you at that time is very useful, not because of the value of money, but because of the benefits of the money. When we need a loan for an order, and at the same time with no money, only trust can be sold. __Thank you for your trust in us, may the happiness and prosperity always accompany you and your life"s dams. __We hope, with our humility, for we can continue to gain trust again. __With the hope also, for the future we can improve our business. __Successful Enjoyment__Believe and prosperous__For all of us__Tri

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  • Tri    Jul 12, 2017

    Thanks a lot for your trust in us, I am hopeful this relationship continues. For the development of our business showed an increase in yield. Although sometimes we are late in paying installments, not that we forget. But because we have to divide the time for our family and business. This month is our busiest month, because it enters new teachings in our children"s school. Greetings happy to all of us

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  • Tri    Jun 12, 2017

    In the city we always organize gatherings, in order to eat together as well as to thank the Lord"s blessing. The happiness we feel is worth sharing. . We hope that happiness and peace will always be with us, us and all of you. . Because we have the right to be happy. . __In the case of the gifts we receive, we have used to finance the above events besides the mission to make a profit from the sale of food, we also share 50% of the proceeds for sharing or social missions. Because we really love peace. . Because we can! ! Keep sharing the happiness. . Keep inspiring. . _Harapan we will suport forward. . __Reals Warmed__Tri

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  • Tri    Jun 9, 2017

    Thank you so much for your help. The money will start I use tomorrow to buy some raw materials in accordance with the value of money. Hope can be useful for our business. You are the best. Quick in responding. Thank you very much. Best regards. Tri

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