Meat supply, noodles, vermicelli, vegetables for meatballs


Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

95% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

22 installments  •  41%

About Me

to go to school I used to be an introduction to the newspaper because my mother was only a washing laborer while my father was dead. I went to high school, I passed all that with the effort & determination to continue the school in order to raise my parents and able to help the cost of my younger siblings. after I graduated I worked odd jobs up to the time when I got married, I always set aside the salary money for the capital to make a bakso shop. from the only wagon empire insyallah will be more advanced. my hobby is traveling

My Business

My business selling bakso emperan thank God its cost can to play this business become more advanced little by little and able to finance my siblings though not how much profit in 1hari

Loan Proposal

I intend to use this loan to enlarge my bakso stall. . . Among others to buy other materials and equipment such as tables and stools so buyers can enjoy on-site. __products include: meat, noodles, vermicelli, toge and vegetables, onion, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, etc.The total of his shopping: Rp. 350.000__meja and stool: used wood that I can make into a long table and a long bench__Total: Rp. 700.000 ____ my current profit per day reach Rp 100.000__seandainya I can this loan my daily profit insha Allah reaches Rp 250.000

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

untuk melanjutkan sekolah dulu saya jadi pengantar koran karna ibu saya hanya seorang buruh cuci gosok sedangkan ayah saya sudah meninggal dunia. saya sekolah sampai lulus SMA , saya melewati semua itu dengan usaha & tekad untuk meneruskan sekolah supaya bisa mengangkat derajat orang tua saya dan mampu membantu biaya adik-adik saya.
setelah saya lulus saya bekerja serabutan hingga saat nya ketika saya menikah , saya selalu menyisihkan uang gaji untuk modal membuat kedai bakso.
dari yg cuma gerobak emperan insyallah akan lebih maju. hobi saya travelling

My Business

Usaha saya jualan bakso emperan yg alhamdulilah biaya nya bisa untuk memutar bisnis ini menjadi lebih maju sedikit demi sedikit dan bisa untuk membiayai adik-adik saya walaupun tidaj seberapa untung nya dalam 1hari

Loan Proposal

saya berniat menggunakan dana pinjaman ini guna memperbesar kedai bakso saya...
antara lain untuk membeli bahan2 dan perlengkapan yang lain seperti meja dan bangku sehingga pembeli bisa menikmati di tempat.
bahan-bahan antara lain: daging , mie , bihun , toge dan sayuran , bawang merah , garam , cuka , kecap , saos dll
total belanja nya: Rp. 350.000
meja dan bangku: kayu-kayu bekas yang bisa untuk saya buat menjadi meja panjang dan bangku panjang
Total: Rp. 700.000

keuntungan saya saat ini sehari mencapai Rp 100.000
seandainya saya dapat pinjaman ini keuntungan saya sehari insya allah mencapai Rp 250.000





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 20, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Krishna a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Krishna    Jan 28, 2023

    During the pandemic my business was really down. The pandemic period is trying to rise again. Hopefully the business continues smoothly. Sold out

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  • Krishna    Oct 4, 2017

    Thanks to the pendants who have trusted me to borrow funds for my shop"s advancement. Would I use it for the purchase of foodstuffs for my meatballs store

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  • Krishna    Aug 20, 2017

    Thank you very much Mr. Paul Buchheit for the funds you gave me. I hope my store is getting bigger.

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