Headscarves and balance balances for sale


Samarinda, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2018

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  50%

About Me

I am a 34-year-old woman, graduated with a law degree and engaged in business / entrepreneurship. to surpass the difficulties in hdp I ckp surrender and thankful for not forgetting to try and work hard to reach the goal hdp. for the cost and my turnover of the rp range. 2,500,000

My Business

I pursue credit and veil sales business, a source of business from parents. the benefits that I can use for capital turnover and sharing a little for parents and charity.

Loan Proposal

With this fund I will buy merchandise: - jilbab: USD 0.03450 - pulse: USD 69,0078 My profits and the people adl sama2 need each other. The increase in profits that I expect adds up.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya wanita berusia 34 tahun, lulusan sarjana hukum dan menggeluti bidang usaha/berwirausaha. untk melampaui kesulitan dlm hdp saya ckp berserah dan bersyukur tdk lupa berusaha dan bekerja keras untk mencapai tujuanhdp. untk ongkos dan omset saya kisaran rp. 2.500.000

My Business

saya menekuni usaha penjualan pulsa dan jilbab, sumber usaha dr orang tua. keuntungan yg saya dpt dipergunakan untk perputaran modal dan sedikit berbagi untk orang tua dan bersedekah.

Loan Proposal

Dgn dana ini saya akan membeli barang dagangan :
- jilbab : USD 0,03450
- pulsa : USD 69,0078
Keuntungan saya dan masyarakat adl sama2 saling membutuhkan.
Kenaikan keuntungan yg saya harapkan adl bertambah.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 1, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week


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