Supplies of food for my stall


Cimahi, Indonesia


$5 to go

0% funded of $5 goal


days left




Member since

September 2015

On-time repayments

5 installments  •  100%

About Me

I am a housewife with 2 children, I live with my husband in a densely populated environment, so I think how if I open a shop business and my husband also approved it. finally I open the business and up to now has been running about 6 of ... from the results of that effort I developed by opening a cafe at home and until now also still running .. my husband and I have plans to expand my business by completing my wares and add some more computer units to my cafe ... I want to add 5 more computer units to my cafe and some additional merchandise for my stall. which I sell here in the form of sembako, snacks kids, ice cream, rice, water gallon, gas elpigi 3kg and many others,. which is not complete in my shop is a tool of beauty tools such as powder, body lotion, perfume, soap other similar items ... and I am happy with this zidisha hopefully I am lucky there is a fund for my plan this .. thanks in advance

My Business

my business is in the form of a kung all there may be the term, and also the cafe with some computer units .., and my income is yes from the business .. I think if I complement my merchandise maybe the income that I get also increases as well with My cafe, if I add some more computer units of income also will surely rise because during this time children are always queuing / turn to dpat play., need to know my environment in the dominance of student children and they always to the cafe to do the task of school, it"s for print tasks and so forth .., I open the stall at 5 am and close at 1 am, I turn with my husband to keep my shop .. my morning and husband"s night shift so we still have enough rest time ..

Loan Proposal

adding my goods, such as soap, instant noodles, sugar, cooking oil and many other basic household necessities. I hope this loan will greatly help me develop my shop business .. I hope the future value of the loan will go up and my goods will be more various kinds of ....

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya ibu rumah tangga dengan 2 orang anak , saya tinggal dengan suami di lingkungan padat penduduk ,sehingga saya berfikir bagaimana kalau saya membuka usaha warung dan suami juga menyetujui nya ,.
akhirnya saya buka usaha itu dan sampai sekarang sudah berjalan sekitar 6 than... dari hasil usaha itu saya kembangkan dengan membuka warnet di rumah dan sampai sekarang juga tetap masih berjalan ..
saya dan suami mempunyai rencana ingin mengembangkan usaha saya ini dengan melengkapi dagangan saya dan menambah beberapa unit komputer lagi untuk warnet saya...
saya mau menambah 5 unit komputer lagi untuk warnet saya dan tambahan beberapa barang dagangan untuk warung saya ,. yang saya jual disini berupa sembako , jajanan anak , ice cream , beras , air galon , gas elpigi 3kg dan masih banyak yang lainnya ,. yang belum komplit di warung saya adalah alat alat kecantikan seperti bedak, body lotion ,parfum ,sabun muka barang lainnya yang sejenis ...
dan saya senang dengan zidisha ini mudah mudahan saya beruntung ada yang memberi dana untuk rencana saya ini .. terimakasih sebelumnya

My Business

usaha saya ini berupa warung keringan segala ada mungkin istilahnya, dan juga warnet dengan beberapa unit komputer .., dan penghasilan saya ya dari usaha tersebut ..
saya berfikir jika saya lebih melengkapi isi dagangan saya mungkin penghasilan yang saya dapatkan juga ikut bertambah begitu juga dengan warnet saya , kalau saya menambah beberapa unit komputer lagi pendapatannya juga pasti akan naik karena selama ini anak anak selalu ngantri / giliran untuk dpat main ., perlu di ketahui lingkungan saya di dominasi anak pelajar dan mereka selalu ke warnet untuk mengerjakan tugas tugas sekolahnya , entah itu untuk print tugas dan lain sebagainya..,
saya buka warung jam 5 pagi dan tutup jam 1 pagi , saya giliran dengan suami untuk jaga warung saya ini .. saya pagi dan suami giliran malam harinya jadi kami tetap punya waktu istirahat yang cukup ..

Loan Proposal

menambah barang jualan saya, seperti sabun, mie instan, gula, minyak goreng dan banyak lagi kebutuhan pokok rumah tangga lainnya. saya berharap pinjaman ini akan sangat membantu saya mengembangkan usaha warung saya..
saya berharap kedepannya nilai pinjamannya akan naik dan barang jualan saya akan semakin banyak ragam macamnya....





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Other loans

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  • Neni    Jan 31, 2017

    I say thank you for my funding, I will use the money I borrowed to buy the purposes of my grocery store, hopefully I can fulfill my obligation to pay the installment on time. ,

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  • Neni    Jan 31, 2017

    Thank you in advance I say to bemberi my first loan, and I"ve managed to fulfill my obligation to pay up in full without any hindrance and timely. , And now I hope to get a loan back to add my thanks selling goods

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  • Jason Florida    Dec 4, 2016

    Hi Neni, I am happy to have provided money for this loan. Thanks for repaying it so perfectly! I hope your business continues to prosper. I will be happy to loan again in the future. Jason

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  • Neni    Dec 3, 2016

    thank you for the loan, it is very useful for the progress of my grocery shop,. I use the money to complete my merchandise. __Once again, thank you

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  • Neni    Oct 24, 2016

    ask for an explanation, I can take my loan where and how? I do not understand .. thanks

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  • Neni    Oct 19, 2016

    Thank you previously gave me the confidence to approve the loan application I am here, I plan to spend the purposes of merchandise in my shop, instant noodles probably yes ,. hopefully this loan help me fund my stall,. thank you very much and mudah2an future loan value increases ya hee,.

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