Stocks for my bag shop


Kendari, Indonesia

51% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

14 installments  •  50%

About Me

My name is Ismail Naba, I live in the city of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. I have 3 siblings, all are self-employed selling clothes and other garment products. This business was passed down by my parents, since they have been doing this across generation. After graduating from high school, I did not intend to continue my study since I am more interested in the business world.
After I am married 2 years ago, my parents gave me an opportunity to sell bags in a pretty strategic location. I am running this bag shop together with my wife until now. My shop is located in a very strategic location, which is near to the city and education centers.
The demand for bags is quite high, since all students need a decent bag to carry their books to go to school. I am also quite aware of the trend, so I can continuously update my stocks to be more relevant. I am doing all this so that my customers are happy to visit my store, which is good since there are only 2 store selling bags in Anduonou Kendari.

My Business

I am very excited when I heard about Zidisha and its program.
In a day, I can generate sales of around $100 - $150 with profit of $30-50.
In a month, I can earn gross profit up to $1000, this is excluding all the cost and other expenses. My shop's routine expense are electricity $25, water $20, rent $460, cleanliness $5, family needs $250, other expenses $30, to the total of $790. My net profit is $210 per month, I can repay the loan at he rate of $25 per week.

Loan Proposal

I will use the loan proceeds for my working capital. As the maximum amount for the first loan is only $100, I will use the amount to buy more postman bags, which are very popular for now. Postman bags cost around $15 -$20 apiece, I am planning to order 50 pieces from my distributor in Gresik Surabaya.

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About Me

Nama saya Ismail Naba tinggal di Kota Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia. Saya 4 orang bersaudara, saudara saya yang 3 orang adalah wiraswasta semua yaitu pekerjaan utamanya adalah bisnis pakaian, usaha jual beli pakaian ini sudah turun temurun dalam keluarga saya karena mulai dari nenek sampai orang tua saya pekerjaannya adalah menjual pakaian, sejak menyelesaikan pendidikan di sekolah menengah atas, saya tidak lagi melanjutkan kuliah karena saya lebih senang langsung terjun di dunia bisnis orang tua.
Setelah menikah dua tahun lalu saya sudah diberi kepercayaan oleh orang tua dengan memberikan tempat usaha penjualan tas di daerah yang cukup strategis, begitulah orang tua saya setiap selesai menikah anak anaknya diberi tempat usaha masing masing, usaha tas ini saya kelola bersama istri saya sampai sekarang, tempat usaha saya sangat strategis karena berada dipusat pengembangan kota dan pusat pendidikan terutama dekat dengan kampus universitas Halu Oleo Kendari. Kebutuhan Tas sangat tinggi karena rata rata mahasiswa/wi memakai tas dengan berbagai model dan kualitas, ditoko saya menjual berbagai jenis dan model tas mulai dari tas anak anak sampai tas kantoran. Saya juga selalu melihat model dan jenis tas yang lagi trend di masyarakat sehingga tas yang saya jual selalu mengikuti model terbaru sehingga konsumen senang datang ditempat saya karena kebetulan hanya 2 orang saja yang membuka toko tas disekitar wilayah saya di Anduonou Kendari.

My Business

Saya tertarik dengan pinjaman modal usaha dari Zidhisa setelah mendapat info dan saya pelajari syarat dan ketentuannya, untuk itu saya mencoba untuk ikut menjadi anggota Zidhisa agar bisa juga mendapat pinjaman modal dari para pemberi pinjaman, mengenai penghasilan saya cukup lumayan, dalam sehari biasa saya mendapat penjualan antara $100 sampai $150/hari dengan keuntungan sekitar $30 sampai $50/ hari. Penjualan tas dalam sebulan saya bisa mendapat keuntungan penjualan $1000/bulan, ini belum termasuk biaya. Biaya rutin dalam sebulan antara lain Listrik PLN $25, Air PDAM $20, kebersihan $5, Angsuran Ruko $460, biaya kebutuhan keluarga $250, biaya tak terduga $30, total biaya biaya sebesar $790/bulan, pendapatan bersih $210/bulan. Pinjaman saya bisa bayar $25/minggu.

Loan Proposal

Untuk penggunaan dari pinjaman yang diberikan oleh para pemberi pinjaman, akan saya pergunakan sebagai investasi modal usaha, karena pinjaman awal hanya sebesar $100 maka saya akan pakai sebagai tambahan modal pembelian Tas Kulit model Salempang yang sekarang lagi trend dikalangan masyarakat. Modal untuk tas salempang yang terbuat dari kulit ini harganya mulai dari harga $15 - $20/buah. Dan rencana bulan April saya akan memesan sebanyak 50 buah berbagai model langsung dari pusat pembuatan tas kulit di Gresik Surabaya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 3, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months


Lou Kaucic

Sanbornton, NH, United States

Ask Ismail a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Nurul    Jul 7, 2015

    Dear. Ismail Naba .__ I see your loan late, if there is a constraint on the loan payment request given comments to the lenders who have provided capital loans to you. Payment can be made through the bank by transferring the balance to the account of Indosat wallet, or can branch directly to the freeway in the city. Cost transfer from the bank to indosat purse was rather expensive, if the problem of charging balance the constraints, then the solution is that you can fill the balance of Indosat purse for supplies for four weeks so that it can reduce the burden of the cost of payment .__ Thank you for your attention, your efforts may be successful always. ______Nurul ISMI.

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  • Ismail    Apr 8, 2015

    Dear lenders and Tim Zidhisa. Venture capital loan funds already I use to buy leather bags and stuff that I've got a message from Surabaya in my place, I would like to thank the lenders who have helped me in providing additional capital so that I can order more inventory in the store, I hope I can develop more business and sales revenue has increased as well so I was able to repay my loan easily and smoothly.

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  • Ismail    Mar 26, 2015

    I am grateful to the team zidhisa, has been fixing errors posts. We wish the entire team zidhisa always get strength and health and success in the work. And to lenders I hope willing to give loans to venture capital investments me.

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  • Ismail    Mar 26, 2015

    Dear Tim Zidhisa and lenders.

    I see my loan application there is a technical problem, why my application entered in the State of Haiti while I was from Indonesia. I need your help if I have received loans and the lenders could see my filing the application? I am not sure of this because my loan application may not be funded because they are on the posting State of Haiti. While members of the Haitian zidhisa course there is never seen. I hope the management zidhisa can correct this error as soon as possible.

    I think this is because the web browser that I use is UC, I need to inform you that a web browser other than UC can not access the application will zidhisa when registering facebook account, I think this error may be from the facebook who can not give permission to enter multiple applications, including applications Zidhisa, because at the time of registration of the second step of verification facebook always appear facebook account is not eligible to access to the application.

    The attention and good cooperation I say many thanks

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