Supply of raw material for making pempek

Nanda Leli

Ogan Ilir, Indonesia

100% repaid



Nanda Leli

Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

127 installments  •  98%

About Me

My name is nanda leli saputri, my address is indralaya, ogan ilir, south sumatera, I am 5 brothers, child to 4. Starting from only having old motor as transportation for a day, karna old, motor often strike, make husband have to fix own because of the high price of the workshop if you have to back and forth into the workshop, based on personal experience and encouraged hobby husband took the initiative to make his own motorcycle workshop with the capital pas pasan, later when it is old, our son hope to continue this business.

My Business

My husband and I have a small motorcycle shop, we choose this business, based on the business and expertise of husbands in the field of motorcycles, the cost we need about 500rb and monthly turnover of approximately 2juta, the benefits of the workshop we use motorcycles for the cost of daily living, including children"s schools

Loan Proposal

With this loan fund, I will start a culinary business home, typical food palembang, pempek. If the loan in my acc will buy the ingredients of pempek wheat flour, salt, egg, and milled fish, 1 kg of raw material bs make 100-150 seeds pempek which I will sell for 1500 / unit

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya nanda leli saputri, alamat saya di indralaya, ogan ilir, sumatera selatan, saya 5 bersaudara, anak ke 4.
Berawal dari hanya memiliki motor tua sebagai transportasi untuk sehari hari, karna sudah tua, motor sering mogok, membuat suami harus membetulkan sendiri karna mahalnya harga bengkel jika harus bolak balik masuk bengkel, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi dan terdorong hobby suami berinisiatif membuat bengkel motor sendiri dengan modal pas pasan, nanti bila sudah tua, anak laki laki kami harap dapat meneruskan usaha ini.

My Business

Saya dan suami memiliki sebuah bengkel motor kecil, bisnis ini kami pilih, berdasarkan peluamg usaha dan keahlian suami di bidang motor, biaya yang kami butuhkan sekitar 500rb dan omset perbulan lebih kurang 2juta,keuntungan dari usaha bengkel motor kami gunakan untuk biaya hidup sehari hari, termasuk sekolah anak

Loan Proposal

Dengan dana pinjaman ini, saya akan memulai usaha kuliner rumahan, makanan khas palembang, pempek. Jika pinjaman di acc saya akan membeli bahan pembuatan pempek tepung terigu, garam, telor, dan ikan giling, 1 kg bahan baku bs membuat 100-150biji pempek yang akan saya jual sebesar 1500 / satuan





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Paul Graham

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Craig Newmark

United States

Ask Nanda Leli a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jul 29, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jul 16, 2017 $1.54 Jul 15, 2017 $1.54
Jul 23, 2017 $3.84 Jul 23, 2017 $3.84
Jul 30, 2017 $2.69 Jul 29, 2017 $2.69
