Supply of eggs and butter for the cafe


Jakarta, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $3 goal


days left




Member since

September 2018

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  25%

About Me

my name is Utami suciati, 35 years old, lives in east jakarta, last university education majoring in electronic engineering, hobby in interior design, reading fiction, swimming and sometimes traveling, my dream is to want to develop a small cafe business to be better and more advanced

My Business

This cafe business has been running for almost 3.5 years, selling cheap food, strategic location near a campus, with an average daily income of 325,000 and a minimum of 100,000, operating hours from 1pm to 9pm

Loan Proposal

My cafe needs lots of eggs and butter in anticipation of the large number of visitors who buy processed food sold at cafes, this is very important because most of the food preparations use these ingredients

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About Me

nama saya Utami suciati,usia 35 tahun,tinggal di jakarta timur,pendidikan terakhir universitas jurusan teknik elektronik,hobi design interior,membaca fiksi,renang dan kadang melakukan travelling,cita citaku sangat ingin mengembangkan usaha cafe kecil menjadi lebih bagus dan maju

My Business

usaha cafe ini sudah berjalan hampir 3,5 tahun,menjual makanan murah ,lokasi strategis dekat sebuah kampus,dengan penghasilan perhari rata rata 325.000 dan minimal 100000,jam operasional mulai pukul 1 siang hingga 9 malam saja

Loan Proposal

cafe saya membutuhkan persedian telur dan mentega dalam jumlah banyak untuk mengantisipasi banyaknya pengunjung yang membeli olahan makanan yang dijual di cafe,ini sangat penting karena sebagian besar olahan makanan menggunakan bahan tersebut





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 16, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

3 weeks

Other loans


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