Photography and video production


Kericho, Kenya

137% paid forward




Member since

January 2024

On-time repayments

23 installments  •  70%

About Me

My name is Geoffrey Kipngeno. I am the first born in a family of ten. Being the first born, the family and my community expects me to be a pillar and source of support to my siblings and the community. I am from a humble family. I completed my education with a lot of hardship. I did my final examination without completed paying school fees. As a result, my certificate and result slip were retained in school until I finish paying the fee. I had to look for temporary jobs in order to raise the money.

I had a passion in video shooting and editing but my limitation was that I didn't have the equipment. I used to borrow a camera, do the video shoot and later pay the owner an agreed amount. I had to seek for editing services from other editors since I didn't have a computer and software.

What is unique about my culture is, men rarely call their wives by name. They just give instructions and the wife, automatically knows from the husband's tone that it is her being addressed.

My children are passionate in technical jobs and design. One is pursuing a course in fabrication and the other modern building designs.

My hobby is playing guitar. I started learning guitar when I was thirteen years old. From this hobby, I have been able to compose and record several gospel songs which I occasionally sing with my wife and children in church.

My Business

I currently engage in video and photo production business. This service is in demand in occasions such as weddings, dowry negotiations, birthday parties, church events, political gatherings, and many more.

I chose this business firstly because since I was young, I had a passion in film making. Secondly, I saw there was a demand in video production service especially where I live.

Typical cost for my services is that of pocket friendly but in the process, I get adequate revenue to run the business and obtain substantial profit.

I use the profits to mostly pay for school fees for my two sons who are in college and reinvest in the business.

Project Proposal

The funds will assist me to top up the amount I have in order for me to buy a new camera.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 7, 2024



Gesonso, Kisii, Kenya

Ask Geoffrey a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


