Fund to purchase materials for selling trousers


Pemalang, Indonesia

6% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

34 installments  •  6%

About Me

I graduated from one of the vocational school in Pekalongan. I live with my wife and my boy. Previously, I had worked in cell phone store in Pekalongan, as an administrative and packing staff. I started my new business with a loan from a bank, utilizing my basic skills as a tailor to survive in this business.

My Business

I started a small business of cell phone counter and tailor service. I started this business in 2009, since I worked in a cell phone store before. With my experience working in the cell phone store, I tried to start a similar business. Thank God that until now, this business has been able to support me with sufficient income. The profit from this business keep increasing on yearly basis. Every month, I can generate gross profit of up to $580, with a net profit of around $420.

Loan Proposal

Here is the breakdown of the plan to use the loan proceed:
1. Purchase of materials for trousers = 15 meters x $2.42 = $36.3
2. Purchase of threads = 5 pax x $1 = $5
3. Purchase of needles = 50 pieces x $1 = $50

From the above, I can generate income of:

Selling of trousers 12 x $11.5 = $135

Total cost of goods = $86, selling price of $135.
Profit of $49 for a dozen of trousers. With the gross profit of $49 - $5 = $44 for every dozen of trousers.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya adalah lulusan dari sekolah menengah kejuruan di salah satu sekolah di pekalongan. tinggal bersama istri dan 1 orang anak laki-laki. Sebelumnya saya pernah bekerja di counter hp di Pekalongan pada bagian Admin dan packing. Saya mulai merintis usaha dari modal yang terbatas yang saya dapatkan dari pengajuan ke salah satu bank, dari basic ketrampilan yang saya miliki sebelumnya, akhirnya saya mencoba survive di usaha yang saya rintis ini.

My Business

Saya buka usaha kecil-kecilan, yaitu counter hp dan jahitan. Awal mula usaha ini saya rintis tahun 2009, dimana sebelumnya saya pernah bekerja di tempat yang sama yaitu counter hp. Berbekal dari pengalaman sebelumnya, saya mencoba untuk membuka usaha serupa, alhamdulillah dalam perjalanannya sampai dengan saat ini, usaha saya sudah cukup menghasilkan, terlihat dari laba dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Setiap bulan rata-rata laba bruto Rp. 7.000.000,- sedangkan laba netonya sekitar Rp. 5.000.000,-

Loan Proposal

Berikut gambaran umum secara singkat rincian penggunaan dana : 1. Pembelian bahan clana = 15M (15 x $2.42 = $36,3) 2. Pembelian JARUM = 50 pcs (1 x 50$ = $50)

3. Pembelian Benang jahit = 5 pak (5x 1$ = $5)

Dari modal tersebut dapat dihitung rincian pendapatannya :

1. = celana lusin(12biji x Rp. 90rb = Rp. 1.800.000) = Rp. 1.800.000 = $135.
jarum = 3 pak (36 pcs x Rp. 2.000 = Rp. 72.000) = Rp. 72.000 = $5.53

akumulasi laba dapat dihitung sebagai berikut : Modal = $86 per lusin Harga Jual = 135 per lusin total laba 49$ ,JADI TOTAL LABA bersih 49$-5$=44$ per lusin





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 16, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

7 months



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