Loans for the inventory restaurant

Elvira Dewi

Surabaya, Indonesia


$60 to go

0% funded of $60 goal


days left



Elvira Dewi

Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

30 installments  •  100%

About Me

I am a housewife who works in the culinary field. At this time I opened a Resto business in the West Surabaya area precisely at the Pool Edge Food Court jl. Darmo Harapan no. 1 Surabaya. I have been working on this business for the past 3 years.

My Business

Our restaurant Kedai Semarang Deliciously sells typical Semarang dishes such as Semarang Lumpia, Kudus Ayam Soto, tripe fried rice and typical Semarang ice puter. All of us process and cook with fresh ingredients every day and use special recipes handed down from our ancestors.

Loan Proposal

I really need this fund to buy cooking tools to support my work at the restaurant. I want to buy a stainless steel pan and stainless steel frying pan so that it can be used for a long time. Please approve this loan. thanks.

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About Me

Saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga yg bekerja dibidang kuliner. Saat ini saya membuka usaha Resto di kawasan Surabaya Barat tepatnya di Food Court Tepi Kolam jl. Darmo Harapan no. 1 Surabaya. Usaha ini telah saya tekuni sejak 3 tahun yang lalu.

My Business

Resto kami Kedai Semarang Nikmat menjual masakan khas Semarang seperti Lumpia Semarang, Soto Ayam Kudus, Nasi goreng babat dan es puter khas kota Semarang. Semua kami olah dan masak dengan bahan yang segar setiap hari dan menggunakan resep khas turun temurun dari nenek moyang kami.

Loan Proposal

Saya sangat membutuhkan dana ini untuk pembelian alat2 memasak untuk mendukung pekerjaan saya di resto. Saya ingin membeli panci stainless steel dan alat penggorengan yg anti karat sehingga bisa digunakan dalam jangka waktu yg lama. Mohon pinjaman ini di setujui. terima kasih.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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