Start-up poultry business to pay school fees


Kikuyu, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

June 2015

On-time repayments

198 installments  •  68%

About Me

I am someone who loves trying out new things and thinks far with vision. I am creative, a good public speaker and a good listener. I am choosy and I always want the best, and I am very influential in organizations. I love skating, traveling and meeting new people. The unique thing about where I live is that people appreciate whatever little they have.

I find opportunities where other people see none: I turn ideas into projects, and projects into serial success. My bad times are when things don't work out the way I intended them to be.

I always try to be a role model to many girls in my society. Life is not always what I want it to be: so many hardships, though I am not giving up .

My Business

I work for a media agency as a communication and PR assistant. That is what I studied in school. I love my job since it's all about creativity and getting to meet new people and maintain a good image. I hope that one day I will have my own media agency because communication is the main thing in life.

This is my first job since I cleared school in April 2014, and beside this I would love to get a side job that can generate income and enable me to pay for my sister's school fees and cater for our needs too.

I also help the needy frequently, and during my free time I spend most of my time with them.

Loan Proposal

I would like to start a poultry business. I chose this type of a business because I know how how to handle poultry, since I have grown up in a society where poultry keeping is one of the economic activities. From the income I will be able to pay my school fees and continue with my education. From this income I will also pay my sister's school fees and also cater for our basic needs.

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About Me

i Was born in a small town. I grew up having a normal upbringing. I am someone who loves trying out new things and thinks far with vision . Currently i have a small business that helps me to sustain my needs and that of my family.

My Business

Iam alover of life, street art and African fashion.
Below is a link to my online business.

Loan Proposal

I would like to start a poultry business. I chose this type of a business because i know how how to handle poultry since i have grown up in a society where poultry keeping is one of the economic activity. From the income i will be able to pay my school fees and continue with my education. from this income i will also pay my sister's school fees and also cater for our basic needs.
I am requesting for loan of 1,764.92 USD. my proposed budget is as follows.

1ksh= 99.00 USD
Item KSHS cost in USD $
House construction (materials & perches and roosts) 109,130 1102.32
Poultry equipment 9,600 96.97
200 chicks @ kshs 180 36,000 363.63
Poultry feeds – chicks 8,000 80.80
Poultry feed Broilers 9,000 90.90
Veterinary costs 3,000 30.30
TOTAL 174,730 1,764.92$

1. House construction

A. material

Materials Required Units Qty (Kshs) (Kshs) USD $

2 m long corrugated iron sheets No 40 800 32,000 323.23
Wire netting roll 1 5000 5,000 50.50
Ballast 1 bag 1 300 300 3.03
Sand 1 bag 1 280 280 2.82
Cement 1 bag 1 750 7.57
Rails (3’ x 2’) feet 400 30 12,000 121.21
Rails (2’ x 2’) feet 400 30 12,000 121.21
Cedar posts No 30 200 6,000 60.60
Off-cuts pieces 150 120 18,000 181.81
Suitable material for deep litter e.g.
wood shavings load 1 1000 1,000 10.10
Labour PAX PAX 15,000 151.51
Sub-Total 102,330 1,033.59

B.Perches or roosts
No Unit price Total cost in KSHS Total cost in USD $
12' Rafters 40 5,600 56.56
Round 10 120 1,200 12.12
Sub-Total 6,800 68.68

2. Poultry Equipment
Item Quantity Unit price Total cost in KSHS Total cost in USD $
feeders 8 600 4,800 48.48
waterers 8 600 4,800 48.48 Total 9,600 96.96





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 7, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

9 months



Paul Graham

United States

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