Power generator for poultry farm's incubator


Mombasa City, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

32 installments  •  63%

About Me

Am a first born in a family of four;two girls,and two boys.I underwent my primary and secondary education well and passed my exams well!I was later trained as a clinical officer anaesthetist .Igot a job with the ministry of health .Everything went on well untill the time devolved system of government was introduced in Kenya.Salary delays was the order of the day.Things became so unbearable.Am married to one loving husband and we were blessed with two loving children.Providing for the family became a very big burden for my dear husband that we resolved in starting a family business to supplement our earnings.We resolved to start the poultry business from the little savings we had accumulated.We started by buying indeginous chicks from a supplier,then we bought a small egg incubator and when we realised the business was doing good we bought a bigger incubator so as to be able to satisfy our costomers needs.We decided to do indegenous chicken because of the EAT HEALTHY slogan by the nutritionists in our locality.They discourage the eating of broilers claiming they are dangerous to our health thus increase in the demand.Where i come from indegenous chicken meat is a delicacy and no celebration can be done without it hence the need for indegenous chicken.
Am training my children to be enterprenures at an early age that they should not depend on salaries like i did in the begging.They want to go to the university to do a course in agribusness management and animal production.
In my free time i like travelling an browsing so as to lear new agricultural technics to help me in my farm.

My Business

My main business is Poultry.I incubate and hatch indegenous chicken eggs,sell chicks,rear chicken for breeding and consumption.Sell eggs for incubation and consumption.I aso do farmer training on how to rear indegenous chicken at a fee.The increase in consumption of indegenous chicken and eggs gave me the push to go on!I use the money i get from selling the chicken to improve on the farm and cater for my family needs.I dont have problems in paying schoolfees for my children.

Loan Proposal

I thank God that i came to know of this money lending facility.Given the loan i will buy a small power generator that will cost around 100USD which i will use as a back up system incases of power fluctuations.Power fluctuations are common during rainy season and are the main cause of reduced hatching rate.So this loan will help in stabilising my business thus increase my production and profits in the end.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 7, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks

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Sofia, Bulgaria

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Mountain View, United States

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