Printing business


Kericho, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

149 installments  •  15%

About Me

My name is Gilbert mutai .I went to kapkondor primary school in Londiani after which i proceeded to londiani secondary school where i studied for one year and transfered to kericho day school when my father lost his job as a banker.Untill then, my childhood needs were well taken care of but life became unbearable when my family broke up.In as much as school fees became a challenge, i realized the need to forge my way through high school single handedly. I borrowed a still camera and used it to take photographs for a fee during the holidays. I used the profits to pay for my school fees in installments untill i finished form four.while at school , i had developed passion for photography and journalism .I wanted to be the voice of the voiceless and an eye for the blind, an urge triggered by both my bitter past and the camera i had. With the little i had saved, i bought a tin of cabbage seeds and sowed them in a seed bed which i later sold to farmers to raise my college fees besides the contributions from friends and neighbours My community has got a lot of youths who are wasting away due to lack of jobs. most of them are into drinking because the colleges are not diverse afterall and that is the reason why i want to give them a definition of life.I would want my children to do social work and community development when they grow up so as to progress my ambition into the future.Anytime i am free, i spend time taking photographs of people and animals in their natural environments.

My Business

My printing business has now picked and the number of customers have increased because i have extended my activities to include photography,production of banners,business cards,wedding cards and,calendas but the main challenge right now is that the customers have increased to an extend that the printer i have right now is not effective enough to cater for all of them. the printer keeps on breaking down because i obtained it from a store which sells second hand equipment and the demand for the print outs is high at the moment .I would want to continue serving my customers as a way of maintaining them and therefore it is important that i obtain a new printer to help me to meet the increasing demands of my customers.I want to widen the prospects of my business in future to include video productions and magazine productions as a way of making my little village to shine and to be known by the rest of the world.I am also looking forward to establishing a charitable organization to take care of the needy people in the society because i believe that if i make somebody to smile, a million faces will shine and humanity will feel that indeed there is a reason to continue living.

Loan Proposal

I will use 32 dollars to buy printing papers and16 dollars to purchase tonner ink fo the printer.The remaining 2 dollars will go to servicing the printing machine.Acquisition of printing papers will create efficiency for me and my customers.i expect my profit to increase by 21 dollars.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 13, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

21 months



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Gilbert a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


