Purchase new knapsack sprayer to fertilize tomatoes


Kericho, Kenya

5% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

97 installments  •  5%

About Me

My name is Robert Kimutai Kirui. I am 27 years old married with one kid. I am a first born in a family of six. I reside with my family in Kapsoit village of Konoin in Kericho county. I was born in Sotik but moved here four years ago and this is where I am planning settle permanently.
I could not study much due to lack of school fees but have accummulated adequate experience in farming.
I have a great passion for agriculture and i practice it as a full time profession.
My hobbies are watching sports, movies and reading inspirational articles.

My Business

We have a small farm at home where we cultivate mostly vegetables especially tomatoes, kales and cabbages. I chose these vegetables because they are early maturing and have constant demand. Farming is our major source of income and food for the family. We sell the produce both on wholesale and retail. The main customers are the grocery owners within the village and the neighboring villages.
Farming has sustained us for years now and I have plans to accummulate more skills by attending shows and seminars and improve everyday.
My Knapsack sprayer broke recently and I am currently planning to replace it. It is one of my frequently used equipment that i cannot do without.

Loan Proposal

During this dry season knapsack sprayer is very important. I use it to spray foliar fertilizers to my tomatoes every week. My equipment was old and broke recently. I have tried to repair it but failed. I therefore plan to purchase a new one. Tomatoes are high value crops that are sensitive to weather conditions and thus require close supervision.
I will therefore use the loan to purchase a new Knapsack immediately upon recieving it.
The small returns from the sale of greens in the field will enable me repay the loan in time.
Thank you for you noble work.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 4, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

22 months



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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