Purchase an incubator


Kitwe, Zambia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $63 goal


days left




Member since

December 2023

On-time repayments

3 installments  •  33%

About Me

My name is Kaoma Chola and I live in Wusakile town in Kitwe the Copperbelt of Zambia. I did primary school at Chamboli Basic School and qualified for high school level at Ndeke Secondary School. I obtained a grade 12 school certificate. Zambia is a country regarded as one of the poorest countries in Africa located in Southern Africa. It is not easy to find a job or employment. Many of its resort to engage in business. Life for me was not easy when I completed school, I started working as a shop keeper in one of the Indian shop in the city of Kitwe, I worked there for 3 years and raised some money to sponsor myself to go into Collage. At the moment I hold a Diploma in Agro Business. Due to lack of employment, I borrowed some money through citizen empowerment to start up a business in poultry business and livestock raring. So far I have learnt that in life you have to be focused and not to lose hope, to achieve important goals you need to work hard to overcome hardship that has robbed many of their life potentials.
I only wish to educate my children so that they can unlock the destiny through education by going to study in the University.

My Business

Am involved in poultry business which is the many source of income. I sell chickens broilers, layers and eggs. Chickens are consumables in most places such as restaurant's, takeaway and many homes today in our country. Hence the market is readily available and demand is very high. I choose poultry farming because it profitable and sustainable despite in some instances where during the time of raring these due to lack of drugs some end up dyeing.
For 1000 broilers I need about ZMW 15,000 including all the necessary drugs and stocks.
For 2000 layers, I need about ZMW 10,000.00 including chicken drugs and stock feed.
My project budget in total is ZMW 25000.00 and my turn over profit after sales comes to ZMW 50,000.00 as increase.
However, these profits made I use the them for reinvestment, home improvement, pay rentals, pay school fees for my children and save some money in my bank account for future use.

Project Proposal

With this loan I am apply for I would to purchase an Incubator for keeping eggs. I rear village chicken, ducks, broilers and layers. I want to take advantage of the demand for eggs and the readily available market. Once I purchase this incubator I will rear more chickens and keep more eggs for sale. It will help me to generate more money to grow the poultry business which I have been involved in for the last 5 years. The profits made I want them to help me build a big poultry house. In addition to that I also to be rearing other birds such as the birds and geninefao





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 30, 2024

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