Purchase mahogany, fabric and black board


Kisumu, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $331 goal


days left




Member since

December 2015

On-time repayments

77 installments  •  9%

About Me

Growing in a small village ,some 50 kilometers from Nairobi,i went through many problems because my parents were poor.I was bright students but i was forced to drop out of education system to become employed by a successful business man to be hawking along the streets of major sub urban centers .
I used to earn commission ,and sometimes i could go without any money if i fail to sell..
I learnt several survival tactic ,where i could buy my merchandise and mix with my boss' to make some profits also..i did not do the business for long time because i thought the business only benefited my boss and later on joined a carpentry college where i learned carpentry skills. I have been growing learning new ways of doing business along the solid foundation that i had laid through the self training that i nurtured during the time that we were working the business man.
During my free time I love reading alot

My Business

Apart from selling second hand clothes, i have a workshop where i I make chairs, beds,seats, stools and cupboards mostly.

I started doing the business in the year 2013 October after successfully finishing a carpentry course.

I started doing the business because I wanted to meet my needs and for my family because I had no formal job yet I had the skills to make furniture. In a good month i can make net profits of between $ 180 - $220 depending on the demand. I use the profits to expand the business more as i want to open multiple branches in future.

My biggest challenge is funds to boost me to buy material to facilitate my making of products to my clients and be able to maintain them for long spell in all season.

My customers are friends who I know one on one , on social media, neighbors and road passer who range from low, middle and high class clients,,,

My goal is to establish my business and be able to be offering services of high quality and timely to maintain both new and existing clients,

I am proud when I offer great and quality services to my clients and they market my business,,,,,,it makes me proud.

Loan Proposal

Together with my savings, I am going to buy buy Mahogany six by one using KSH 14000 that is 70 feet in total black board four by eight feet using Ksh 10000 sixty four feet and fabric ten meters using Ksh 6000.

I will have boosted my stock materials which will help me attend to the needs of my clients thus increase in revenue and profit.....

My business will grow will be able to maintain my customers with on time making of their orders thus a steady income which will ensure my sustainability of business....will build a great name in the market of delivering timely services,,,,

My life will improve, I will be able to meet my needs and for my family timely and pay bills in due time.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 23, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

16 months

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