Member since
January 2015
On-time repayments
179 installments • 16%
It has been hard and clumsy life since childhood. But all in one I had to decide tochalenge with grace of God I have tried to make end meet by opening mpesa, Airtel Money, salon and motorbike business.These have taken lot of money now I need to boost them.kindly consider my request for a loan
My business as already have said, is self..and includes mpesa..Aitel Money, motorbike and salon.They are new businesses that brings me over 50,000 kenyan shillings per month.All this has made me coping with high taxation of our country and day to day life.Am confident that my loan will be completed at the most required duration.with most tegards.I will be glad to be granted the loan.
Buy stock for my shop.add some amount to Mpesa(electronic mobile transfer of money).In addition my Gotvdecorders need to be added hence,I will buy them to make sure all my customers are served.consequently,I wins introdu CE printing An tysetting to my businesses. This amount will help me buy printer and some stationary to commence this new business. Finally,am glad to be served by 100%happy of your services.hope to be mended my second loan.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 22, 2015
Repayment status
Projected term
40 months
Other loans
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