Purchase of fruits for sale at fresh fruits shop


Mbita Township, Kenya

69% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  70%

About Me

I was born as the only child in my family. My mother died while I was still 4 months old and my father re-married. I grew up with my stepmother in a very hardship condition and I was the one who was doing all the household chores. I joined primary school in 1988 when I was four years old. In 1996, I sat for my Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and passedwell with 520 Marks out of 700 marks. I was admitted to Kisumu Girls High School but since my father was an alcohol addict he could not raise the money to meet my secondary education.

With no money to continue with my education, I got married as a 2nd wife in the year 2000 but marriage life turned out to be horrible, my husband was addicted to drugs though we had two children with him, he eventually deserted us in Mbita since December, 2013 and to date we have not heard his whereabouts! Left with two kids to take care of, I decided to start a very small grocery to sale tomatoes, bananas and onions. This small grocery has been a big relief to our pain as a family.

My daughter 'Nyanya' want to be a nurse when she grow up, my youngest daughter wants to be a teacher.

My Business

Mbita is a semi-arid land, people lack tomatoes, bananas, beans, mangoes, oranges, onions, salt and sugar. These essential commodities are being imported to Mbita. My products are in great demand locally and my grocery is the supplier in the area. My operational capital at the moment is Ksh 5,000. This capital is limited and cannot meet the demand of supply that the market needs, therefore am seeking a loan of Ksh 3,500 to enable me buy more fruits and sale at a fairly good prices to enable me pay rent and take my children to school while repaying back the loan in time as agreed upon.

Loan Proposal

With a loan of Ksh 3,500, I will buy assorted fruits e.g. mangoes, oranges, avocado and bananas for sale at a very fair prices. Since this is a season when fruits are in high demand, i will be able to get more clients and raise a good money from my business to support my family. With this loan, my profit will increase by 50%.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 2, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months




Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Boston, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States


Matt Willis

United States





Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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  • Caroline    Apr 9, 2015

    am happy for the support given by ZIDISHA lenders. I received my 1st loan and working to improve my business with the 2nd loan. I am happy and my children are going to school as a result of increased profit.

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