Member since
February 2017
On-time repayments
84 installments • 31%
I struggled to go through my early childhood school but i managed to finish off levels and CPA 2 though through hardships. Am an average person in society with CPA qualifications. I have two children and my one sibling that i am supporting though school. I intend to help them to at least have a living of their own in future. I work as an accountant from where I saved money to start the printing business.
I opened a printing business one year ago. After savings from my salary. I averagely earn 85 USD from this business. I look forward to venturing into stationary sales. My clients are mainly students from the local colleges who doing their research work. I intend to expand this business at least hire one assistant. And maybe move to high scale printing in the future.
I look forward to buying printing papers and printer cartridges for my printing and photocopying business
One ream of paper is 4.8USD
and cartridge 85USD
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 27, 2017
Repayment status
Projected term
5 weeks
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