Purchase of printing papers and advertisements


Nakuru,kenlands Estate, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

44 installments  •  43%

About Me

I am Julius Kariuki,21 years old,single but planning for a good thing in future.i live in Nakuru Zakayos, and have a cyber café in Nakuru , just 1kms from Nakutu town. I am I graduate at kenya polytechnic on certificate in land survey , so I decided to venture into the businessas I wait try to complete my diploma and degree in land survey as I keep raising my fees through my business.
I was born in Bahati, which is about 15 Kilometres from Nakuru town and my parents still live at Bahati centre.

My Business

Hello Lenders, I am Julius Kariuki, I own a cyber café business Along kenlands, Kyimbo road opposite Denis Club in Nakuru Kenya. It has twelve computers and one printer, a photocopier and a scanner .The services that I offer are all sorts of on line services. My business is unique because I run it myself and I have the personal touch to all my customers. They will always find a warm smiling face and if you have a unique problem I will go to all lengths to tackle it and you will always get out of my business a happy customer.
Due to that personal touch my customers always came back and refer others to me. I have one employee who is always there to assist me when the customers are many. My business faces challenges like change of technology that is the phones people use nowadays have internet access but I thank God because they can’t know everything they always came consulting thus when you give them good services they will always came back. My business give me monthly profit of twenty thousand shillings and above but it still have many expenses that needs to be paid that why would like support from you when a little stuck.
Thanks to Zidisha fraternity for the good help you are doing to the young upcoming business men and woman around the world.

Loan Proposal

when i get this loan, i will use this money to purchase printing materials. I found this bussiness being one of the best within my locality because it offers printing services that involve both digital and more of manual work to schools around,organizations and churches, Much of what i will do is more of marketing, which will cost me $40 for printing of materials while printing papers cost $50 for 10 packs






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 2, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks

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