Uniforms and equipment for security guard business


Olkalao, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2014

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  65%

About Me

I am an accountant by profession with 10years experience. My last employment was at at security firm where I helped turnover grow from 1m to over 4m through proper management skills. The same perked my interest in the industry and having moved to a new town i decided to invest in the same as there was no other security firm based in the town. I have a strong support system that includes my husband and family that involves trained technicians in installation of security equipment and systems. We have since increased our number of guards to 30. The first zidisha loan was used to purchase guards uniform and it was repaid in full as soon as we got our monthly payment.

My Business

I co-own a security firm that deals with installation of CCTV cameras, Alarms, Electric fencing and manned guards. This is currently the only Security firm based in the town. The major costs in the business include salaries, rent, transport, electricity, insurance and the initial cost of Guard uniforms and equipment. The main risks are pilferage, which is mitigated by the insurance cover, and competition from other major security firms with established clients network. The main repayment will be from monthly payments from clients. Clients prefer our business because we are based in the town and we work hand in hand with the local government security enforcement department. Our rates are also competitive in comparison with other firms.

Loan Proposal

The loan will be used to purchase additional uniform for the security guards and more security equipment. This will help to order for the uniform and equipment before hand for upcoming assignments. The money will prevent loss of clients who require our services immediately as we will have the required items in stock and can start assignments immediately.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 11, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months

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