Purchase of welding materials


Mbita, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $100 goal


days left




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  0%

About Me

I am Isaac Oluoko Oudo. I am married and has two kids.I come from Homa Bay County in Kenya. I am the 2nd born in a family of five siblings,I went to Nduru primary school in Siaya County There after i went to Bar Korua Technical College for welding and fabricating course.
After completion of my course i went to Homabay Town to search for job where by I found a friend of mine by the name Hillary Lumumba Whom Invited me to Mbita and he was also my former class mate at Nduru Primary school and he introduced me to his work mates where they have formed a youth group by the name Star of hope initiative where they were doing table banking and personal lending , i joined and started saving and later on I secured a loan to buy welding machine ,bench vise ,hacksaw and two boxes of welding rods. After struggling with the loan i managed to pay back the loan later.

I Stayed in Mbita and opened a workshop at mbita junction opposite Samorco Hard ware by the name Road to Success welding Shop. By doing so i developed interest in the work and concentrated with my business of welding as the course i did.Being a self esteemed person I decided to help other people whom were out of school drop outs whom could not manage to afford for themselves a collage fee or orphans whom could have not had someone to help them to achieve their ambitions .

My Business

My business entails mostly on welding of materials such as doors , windows , balcony grills ,door frames ,Iron gates ,steel chairs, tables and many others that pertains with welding.The cause for me to do this kind of business is because i have gone to college to learn to the same ,and also i love it with my whole heart, in this area we are just a few welders who offer this kind of service but most of the people do prefer me for the work being that i am always trust by the clients in terms of work dedication and time keeping and can make most of the up to date goods and there are so many clients who prefer me for my work.

Currently my business is operating at a cost of USD 1400, due to the growing demand of houses being built here the income that i generate per month is about USD 230, After my expenses i remain with about USD 50. my business is proceeding in a slower pace though right now am planning to work with two or three helpers/ employees even though am working with one person as a helper. Right now the money which I do generate help me to purchase some little materials, up keep of my family and motivation of my helper . The loan will also help me to buy more materials for my work and my profit will also increase.

Loan Proposal

My appreciation sets off to every friend of mine including zidisha officials granting me this gracious fate to make profit from this stage,this particular loan i will use to obtain the following items with it ,4 Ms plate at a cost of USD 60 and three packets of welding rods at a cost of USD 30,this will make my income to increase to about USD 40 because of the increase of the materials ,it will make me have an increase on income and it will assist me in paying my loan and improve my upkeep.
Thank You in advance for your generous support and i welcome lenders to bid to my account.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 21, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months




Saarbruecken, Germany


San Francisco, United States


Ismini and Jerry

Stamford, USA, United States



Los Angeles, United States



Zurich, Switzerland


Isak Maaseide

Tromso, Norway, Norway


Denver, United States

Johannes Duerk

Bochum, Germany

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  • Isaac    Apr 23, 2015

    Thanks for the positive consideration to my application and funding, in deed i bought the welding rods has i initially indicated in my proposal. thus the work has started to be good and i am seeing positive impact of the loan and the customer.

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  • Isaac    Apr 8, 2015

    Halo Zidisha team,
    may i take this humble opportunity to inquire from the zidisha team management that my loan was fully funded till i was told to wait for the disbursement within one week time then after waiting i am again told (Unfortunately, your loan expired without being fully funded.) and that am welcome to try again with a new application
    May you kindly assist me because when I checked my funding progress am seeing that it was 100% funded.


    Oluoko Isaac

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  • Isaac    Mar 26, 2015

    Let Me take this humble opportunity to thank all Zidisha team for considering my proposal amongst others,
    As I know my self that am a person who does his work under minimal supervision i will also ensure prompt payment/ timely payment

    Thanks in advance

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  • Kevine    Mar 26, 2015

    thanks for the positive consideration of his loan application request.
    warm regards

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