Ongata Rongai, Kenya
100% paid forward
Member since
September 2017
On-time repayments
40 installments • 63%
I am 37 years old and currently leading a project that aims to provide school equipment for the orphaned children in our community. I initiated this project in 2022, and now we are focusing on ensuring that each child has a school bag as part of our ongoing efforts to support their education and well-being
I also run a small cyber café, and it’s been a key part of how I support this project. From the income I generate at the café, I dedicate 25% of all profits directly to this cause. Every time a customer uses my services, they’re indirectly contributing to the improvement of these children's lives and the support of widows in need. Over time, this has created a sense of shared responsibility within the community, with patrons of my café knowing that their money helps fuel a greater purpose.
I am helping a non-profit organization in our community that provides education and support to underprivileged children by purchasing school chairs for the students. Am currently seeking financial assistance to purchase school chairs for the orphanage school. I have already managed to purchase 10 chairs and my target is 21 chairs.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Nov 21, 2023
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Tim Jan 1, 2019