Purchasing a cow


Nakuru, Kenya


$758 to go

17% funded of $912 goal


days left




Member since

August 2011

On-time repayments

33 installments  •  100%

About Me

I am 63 years old married with five children, all married. Am a resident of Bahati, in Nakuru where we reside together with my family and do farming and rearing of chicken as my business, after being introduced by one of my friend Mrs. Margaret.THE OFFICIAL WHO CAN ACT AS MY REFEREE IS MR. JOSEPH GACHOKA MWANIKI WHO IS AN ELDER OF OUR AREA HIS CELL IS 0721 787708.I reside at my home 300 metres to District Headquarters offices

My Business

I am a member of a merry go round team which consists of five members where we meet on first of every month and contribute Kshs. 10,000 per member. Members who have not been given the money do cast votes and the winner is given the money on the next visit where we visit her home. The five members are; Monica -cell no. 0723 104679, Eunice -0720 167917, Catherine-0752 014255
, Esther-0720 103895.
Given this loan I will be able to add my layers chicken project such that I can be able to bring up about 850 layers which will give me double the profit I now get and I will be able to venture in many businesses and able to proper.

Loan Proposal

hi lenders, am happy because am making a step a head from your help. considering that at the moment it is rainy season, i would like to take the advantage and keep livestock. i think this season there is a lot of feeds. this will support my project. i will use kshs use 50,000 to purchase the cow and the rest of the money to construct cow shed. with your assistance for sure the project will succeed. thank you a lot.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • James    Jul 1, 2014

    I am impressed by your business Margaret. Keep it up..I sell handcrafts

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  • mewesten    Sep 10, 2013

    Dear Margaret,
    Your second loan payment arrived today. Thank you for that.
    It was a good reminder to ask you how you are doing. You must have interesting stories to tell about your repair work. I would love to hear some from you.
    Best wishes,

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  • dcembrola    Nov 15, 2012

    November 15, 2012

    Hello, my name is Dan Cembrola, one of Zidisha’s Kenya Client Relationship Managers. I am currently visiting Zidisha borrowers in Nakuru and its outskirts.

    “I am here! I am here! I am here!” Margaret proclaimed as she deftly hopped over a small ditch on the side of the road. After a warm greeting Margaret began quickly leading to me her shop in Bahati Center, an agricultural town north of the city of Nakuru. She jumped over puddles and potholes the whole way before hopping on top of the step at the entrance to her shop. Margaret is 65 years old.

    Her shop is part of a building that Margaret owns. The shop sells some basic supplies and contains a storage room that she will soon fill with bags of maize from her farm to be sold through the shop. The shop also contains a soon to be operational MPESA stand. Locals use the MPESA service to send and receive money electronically. Margaret had used her first loan to purchase a sheep and has used her current loan to open the MPESA stand.

    Margaret’s shop only occupies a small portion of the large L-shaped building that she owns. She has created six hotel rooms with the remaining space and built one additional free standing room. She currently is renting out rooms at the rate of 600 Kenyan Schillings for a single and 1,500 Kenyan Schillings for a double. Since the new constitution was passed in 2010, the town of Bahati has become a district capital. Margaret expects to continue to enjoy full occupancy as her hotel is located adjacent to the new government office.

    After explaining these various business ventures, Margaret announced, “Now I will take you to my home business.” With boundless energy, she led me three kilometers down the road to her farm, where she lives with her husband. They cultivate mainly maize and tomatoes but also have sheep, goats, and a few chickens remaining after they recently sold 2,000 chicks. Margaret explained that the land they used to live on was ten acres but it was lost during the post-election violence. Since relocating to Bahati, they now only have two acres but she seemed to lament more the fact that each of her five children are now adults and working in different parts of the country.

    In addition to Margaret’s “town business” and “home business” she also found time to become the chairwoman of the Happy Mothers Group. This started out as a collection of five women and has now grown to seven who are all Zidisha borrowers. As Margaret escorted me the three kilometers back to town, she excitedly told me about how her family will all be returning next month for Christmas, a happy mother indeed.

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  • Margaret    Aug 8, 2012

    Am so thankful that the cash you rendered me has enabled me to grow in business am undertaking.Be blessed

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