Purchasing CCTV Equipment


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

July 2014

On-time repayments

36 installments  •  0%

About Me

I was raised on the Eastern part of Nairobi city, predominantly a low income area. Most of my agemates didnt make it to high school, which therefore affects ones future ability to earn a living. I was educated up to college level in the field of architecture. However as a young man joining the job market during the country's difficult economic period, I couldn't secure a job that I felt paid me satisfactorily.

After finishing my compulsary architectural apprenticeship, I tried private construction sector ailing at the time. I later joined the entertainment industry after being dejected by the building industry.

I started as a DJ in the Entertainment industry and worked as a Club DJ for over 10 years. Armes With experience and expertise drin the Club scene, I ventured Into the events field.

I habe turned my company Dreamteam Entertainment from a DJ Agency to a company that offers Audio Visual Engineering Services for Installation, Sales and Services.

We are currently in the process of securing middle level contracts for Installation of Public address systems for Supermarkets and Fast food chain of Restaurants.

We have also identified opportunities in the human resource sector coming from a nation abundant in human resource. The new start up is scheduled for December 2016.

My greatest achievement is the ability to have earned a living from what was perceived to be a past time in the African perspective and a Personal hobby to me.

My Business

I earn my income from 3 tiers.
* Provision of P.A. /Sound as an events services vendor.
* Concept development & Consultancy
* DJ Services.

As a 3rd world country, the Services we provide are Non-essential, we have therefore embraced Innovation by developing concepts that we present as Marketing ideas utilizing Entertainment.

Growth in this industry is paramount and my anticipation is
* to acquire a roadshow truck.
* setup a sister company that will capitalise in the abundant human resource in the country.

Loan Proposal

Purchase of 20 CCTV cameras and necessary equipment which include:
* DVR recorders - 2000 USD
* 42"Monitors - 800 USD
* Power supply and Backup systems - 575 USD
* Assorted cables - 400 USD.

I will also subcontract labour to the tune of 1000 USD.

My profits are expected to be in the margin of 30% after Taxes.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 22, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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