Member since
June 2015
On-time repayments
116 installments • 94%
My name is Jane Njeri . i was born in Kiambu county, schooled in Kiambu; Kamandura primary school. later my parents relocated to Nyandarua where i joined a nearby primary school to complete my primary education. In 1993, i joined Karunga day secondary school for my secondary education. After my secondary education i joined Palm Commercial College in Limuru Kiambu county. before i was through with my 2-year secretarial course, i got financially challenged and this forced me out of college in the 1st level. i started small scale businesses like selling fruits, cereal kiosks and other small businesses. After many financial strains i decided to take a computer class which i deed and after three months i obtained a certificated in computer packages. After the course I was employed in an insurance agency office which was very poorly paying. In the office I was employed, apart from being a secretary in the office, we were offering other services like tying services, photocopying, lamination, binding etc. In the process of offering these services I started thinking of putting up my business in the same line. With the help of my husband, I started buying equipments slowly by slowly and within two years I was able to start up a small business on typesetting, photocopying, lamination and binding although I did not have efficient machines as usual in a newborn business. In the land that I live people are very illiterate and therefore professional businesses are not many and there is a high demand of our services and that is why i chose this kind of business. My children have a great passion for business and they desire to become business people too. Working in communal work, visiting the sick and old people.
I offer typesetting, photocopying, lamination and binding services. I also sell stationeries like pens, manilla papers, graduation card, flowers for cememonies etc although not in large quantities.
These goods and services are useful especially because the business is located in a fast growing town in rural area where most people here are illiterate and therefore they need people who can offer professional services. A lot of cases i get here is where people come to my business requesting me to write them for the sale agreement for sale of their properties.
I choose this kind of business because it is in line with my professional and i had about two years of experience before i started. Secondly it enable me help my community with my professional which is scarce in the area.
I purchase my goods in Nairobi City and pay transport to Mwea which is 100km from the City. Monthly purchase for goods is 800$ which gives me 40% profit translating to 320$. This is only sale of items. With additional of typing services my profit goes to 480$ per month.
I use my profit for paying school fees for my two children, my house bills and investing in my business.
Once I receive the funds, I intend to buy small digital camera which costs $150, Photocopy toner which costs $25 and increase of ceremony flowers for sale which will cost $30. Cost of transport from Nairobi City is $8.
For the camera, i want to start taking passport photos which are in high demand in my business locality. Also i will use it for taking photos in functions like graduation ceremonies and weddings. This will help the community who walk for a long distance looking for a place with photo studio where they can get passport photos.
It is important to add more photocopy toner (ink) because sometimes i go short of ink before i run out of papers and i have to travel to Nairobi to buy tonner which forces me to close business for some hours.
I expect my profit to increase by 7% once i am funded and buy these items.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 16, 2015
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
5 months
Other loans
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