Refilling the toner cartridges


Eldoret, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

August 2016

On-time repayments

44 installments  •  64%

About Me

i am james suge , a computer science graduate from Moi university in Kenya. after graduation i started a printing and cyber cafe venture in town in Rift Valley, Kenya. Eldoret town is an emerging business town with lots of colleges around. hence there is a huge business opportunity in establishing cyber cafe where students can come and access the internet and do their research and do business.

My Business

the main business venture capitalizes on the unavailability of internet service and printing business. The main source of income is through printing and offering internet service to students and general public around Eldoret town. in a good month we can make a profit of KSH100, 000 and the running cost including rent is Ksh30000. The profit realized is ploughed back to the business and the remaining money is used for the day today cost of living

Loan Proposal

will buy ink for refilling the toner cartridges for the epson printer, the toner ink costs $25. By buying the cartridges i will be able to print passport size photographs for college students who are joining college this month . the epson printer is quiet effective in in printing photos and takes a short time to come up with clear and high quality photos. The Epson printer is Integrated with an ultra-high-capacity ink tank for ultra-low-cost printing ,Hassle-free set-up and reliable operation Fast ink top-up technology for clean and easy refilling . the loan will enable me to buy a Genuine high-quality Epson ink for professional prints.
This toner inkjet printing systems pre-coat paper in areas only where color ink will be applied. That means I am able to achieve a high-quality print even on standard stock paper. Additionally, enterprise printing systems are able to reliably print color documents at speeds of up to 600 feet per minute, or monochrome documents up to 800 feet per minute. This enables the client to get their document faster than the other printer.
By adopting a new printing solution, the Epson continuous supply system consolidates its printing system and doubled its output speed. As a result, the customer has reduced costs, improved flexibility, increased coloured papers effectiveness and grew revenue.That’s the difference color can make, both to the quality of customer engagement and to your bottom line.
Colorful marketing materials will catch the eye of a customer a lot faster, and it will hold their interest for longer, so the item is more effective at meeting your advertising goals. The price that you will pay for a full color item is usually not that much more than what you will spend for something that is seen as bland, boring, or lower quality.





  • Helen Horseman    May 8, 2017

    Thank you James for the prompt repayment, 100% on time.
    Good luck with all your future endevours.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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