Refurbish my salon


Bamburi, Kenya

88% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

48 installments  •  73%

About Me

My name is Flora Samba, married to Felix and a mother of a 1 year old child. I was born in Eastern side of Kenya in a region know as Ukambani. Ukambani is a semi-arid area and there is a serious scarcity of water during the dry spells.

I spend my early years of life walking for long distances (20 kilometers) in search of water from water pans and we would carry the water cans with our backs. It was a tough life but we were used to it. I broke this cycle of hard life after clearing my secondary school where I left Ukambani and came to live with an aunt in Mombasa city.

My aunt is a hair dresser who runs her own salon in the town and she taught me the business of hair care and beauty therapy. I like this career instantly and I started harboring an idea of owning my own parlor.

With the help of my boyfriend (who later became my husband) I opened a small salon and started off with a few clients. I was lucky because my aunt would refer some to me when her own place became very busy.

With time, I got well established and I now boast a steady stream of clients throughout the year.

My Business

I call myself a professional beautician who mostly specializes in hair care. My work is mainly to maintain ladies hair by keeping them well groomed and giving advise on how they should treat their hair. This is science that I have taken a long time to understand and I now boast of a wealth of experience in this area.

My work mainly deals with washing, relaxing, relaxing and styling hair in different styles. I occasionally do plaiting but I lack the necessary speed and dexterity in this area.

I love this job and it is a hobby turned into a career. I get about 300 USD per month but I take home about 150 USD and the rest covers my expenses.

Loan Proposal

Despite my relative success in this business, I still need a little push in terms of credit. My salon needs repainting and fixing a few things like broken chairs. This will cost me about 50USD. I also need small tools like rollers, tongs and a few towels. This will cost me 35USD.

The painting is particularly important since I cannot be licensed to do business without doing it by the end of this month. I ran out of cash after spending my savings on other pressing family matters I had back home. With this loan, it will ease a lot of pressure on my purse and ensure a smooth running of my business. The friendly repayment terms makes it even more attractive.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 18, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

11 months


Lou Kaucic

Sanbornton, NH, United States

Ask Flora a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ndungu    Nov 22, 2015

    Dear lenders, I spoke to Flora yesterday and she promised to clear her arrears this week. Thank you for your patience. - VM

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