Register for zididsha


Nakuru. Kaloleni, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

May 2018

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  25%

About Me

My name is Tabitha Njeri .I am a single mother with 2 children one in college and the other one in class 8 .I grew up in Nakuru county my parents were very poor they managed to educate me because I was the last born out of 10kids my elder brothers dropped school and managed to help me get educated I was the only one who managed to finish high school .my challenge was I did not do well in exams so I did not manage to go to college I therefore managed to get a casual job which while I was working got a man who promised to marry me but after sometime he left me stranded with my 2kids .I tried to get help from government and I was a place in town to begin afood palour where I make some meals at very cheap prices I serve lunch mainly I have some orders from offices and I searve them at the office.this has helped me to manage. get money to pay bills fees and. rent

My Business

My business deals with a food palour this is a place where the government gives to business people with passion of cooking or outside catering I normally get orders from my customers and I carry packed lunch for them my customers love my services because I serve fresh food at a low cost like a plate of ugali with vegetables is only 6dollars .my costs include paying monthly revenue to the government 20dollars ministry of health medical permit letter pay my ,2workers buy the raw food in total I use. 200dollars monthly which leaves me with an interest of 300dollars in a day I make a minimum profit of 10dollars this is what I use to pay fees for my kids food pay rent buy clothes and home develipment

Loan Proposal

Being my first loan I will use it to pay my onetime registration fee this will help me to be a member and be able to get loans from lenders which will help my business to grow





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 23, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week

Other loans




United States

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  • Tabitha    Jun 1, 2018

    Thank you lenders for funding my loan 8dollars I have bought some cutlery for my kitchen

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  • Tabitha    May 29, 2018

    Thank you lenders for funding my loan kindly I used it to register as a member of zidisha 10 dollars

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  • Tabitha    May 23, 2018

    Thank you lenders for funding my loan I have been deducted to pay my zidisha membership kindly please allow me to pay and re apply a loan that can help me

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