House renovation


Banjarmasin, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2018

On-time repayments

3 installments  •  100%

About Me

I work in a company engaged in electricity as a partner pln every day I work to serve the community with pleasure but behind all that if I am at home not as good as the workplace because always and always there are financial problems.

My Business

I have worked 5tahun with income more or less 4jtan per month nya.dgn salary that is enough with the financing of my daily needs because my husband has not get a job now he join ojek work online, please help him to me my loan acc.

Loan Proposal

I want to renovate my mother"s house due to the condition of his house sdh fragile, his roof is often leaked jd kalo rain water enter in the house especially the rainy season gini d my place, the floor reply kalo d stamped sdh pd the sound of his board there is a broken part too, please help

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya bekerja di perusahaan yg bergerak di bidang listrik sebagai mitra kerja pln setiap hari saya bekerja melayani masyarakat dengan senang hati tapi di balik semua itu kalo saya di rumah gak sebahagia d tempat kerja karena selalu dan selalu ada masalah keuangan.

My Business

saya sudah bekerja 5tahun dgn penghasilan kurang lebih 4jtan perbulan nya.dgn gaji segitu blm cukup dengan pembiayaan kebutuhan sehari hari saya karena suami saya belum mendapatkan pekerjaan sekarang dia ikut kerja ojek online,mohon bantuan nya untuk me acc pinjaman saya .terimakasih

Loan Proposal

saya ingin me renovasi rumah ibu saya karena kondisi rumah nya sdh rapuh,atap nya sering bocor jd kalo hujan masuk air k dlm rumah apalagi musim hujan gini d tempat saya,lantai yg kalo d injak sdh pd bunyi papan nya ada bagian yg patah juga,mohon di bantu .terimakasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 8, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks



-, St. Kitts and Nevis

Ask Reny a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jul 29, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jul 15, 2018 $0.26 Jul 15, 2018 $0.26
Jul 22, 2018 $0.26 Jul 24, 2018 $0.26
Jul 29, 2018 $0.26 Jul 29, 2018 $0.26
