Member since
November 2021
On-time repayments
27 installments • 70%
Am a mixed farmer, doing farming and chickens rearing and am also running a kiosk, i keep also keep livestock both for meat and milk
I mostly earn from my farm produce and also from the kiosk am runnig. I mostly earn from milk and meat selling. During harvest season i alson earn from my far produce.
Thank you for your previous funding whinch have help me extend poultry homestead. This time i need your help also to renovate livestock homestead. By funding me will help me buy berbed wire to renovate broken fence.
If the funds will remain i will use them to renovate my homestead so as i can be proud of you people, that is if not for the zidisha family i will not have been like this living in a conducive environment.
Thank you for funding my project.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Apr 21, 2022
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